Araucana thread anyone?

Here is the other pic.
I agree with jerryse, I don't think those are barred at all. I don't think mine are barred either. I don't know about Erminette but since I have no other real explanation, I'll read more about it. I have seen Erminette on the poultry color pages but didn't really study it so I'm going to go read more. It doesn't really fit what I've read so far though, it's supposed to be an equal mix of black and white feathers, not a mix of black and white on each feather which is what my chicks are like and what Lanae's looks like. I even read that Eriminette was even a breed at some point. I just don't know. I'm going to keep my little barred looking chick, one died but this one seems to be doing fine. It has only one buddy now, a double tufted/rumpless white chick.

By the way, Have to be so excited for spring hatching! Great looking Araucana's in awesome condition.
I really have no idea about the ones you are calling barred. Have you produced even a single black barred that looks barred or cuckoo? I have stared and studied them and more confused the more I look

Have you had any offspring from them? are there hens and roosters both? or just hens? My barred chicks all start out with blue chick down. I haven't a clue so I may have to hold on to this one to satisfy my curiosity.

jerryse, I have been looking at anything I could find that was Erminette and I don't see any similarity with Lanae's.

Here is one of my barred "looking" chicks.


this was taken a few weeks ago, I had 2 of these and lost one in a cold snap when the light bulb went out. I'll take one in day light tomorrow of the remaining chick.
I have hatched more "regular" blues too. It would seem to me that if I have blacks, that I would also have some black barred but these chicks with the faint barring are always the ones with blue chick down.
I really have no idea what mine are either. I am still working on my first generation. Next spring I am hoping to breed the cuckoos together to see if I get darker cuckoo. The darkest one I have is more of a cuckoo splash than a true cuckoo. I am hoping that somewhere I will hatch a true cuckoo and then be able to work from there. Part of the problem is I have columbian genes running rampant thru my flock, which I think is messing with the barring also.

Here is the cuckoo pullet that is the darkest I have.

Here is one of my splash's

And a lighter cuckoo

This falls cuckoo. They seem to be getting lighter, and you can see the columbian influence.

Here was a very promising cuckoo roo chick that of course died.



Last years cuckoo pullet that died. ARGH!!

All my birds seem to be in really good shape which is good because it is below freezing here every night and for most the morning. But no one is laying which is unusual for the winter here. I usually get at least 6 eggs a day and I am getting 1 every day maybe two, out of 60 hens. Lazy thankless animals. LOL!

I have eight eggs to go in the incubator tomorrow. 4 out of my duckwing pen and 4 out of my splash hen that is in the cuckoo pen. I would really love some more chicks out of the splash hen. I have only hatched 3 chicks out of her and they have all been double tufted. She is such a neat looking bird. I wouldnt mind a roo colored similar.

I know what you mean by the best not surviving. The ones you're calling cuckoo just don't look barred to me at all. If it is, it's something different. They look more laces to me but I know that they will look different on the computer screen than in person. I don't see erminette either, those are supposed to have an equal number of black and white feathering, nothing like what you have going there. I can't wait to hear how they breed. I may have to keep this chick to see if it survives and what it looks like mature. It would definitely be interesting if it were the same as yours.
We've had temps down to 13 degrees here already. Most of my younger Araucana's are old enough now they haven't been bothered by the cold and the 4 that I have that are younger are in the garage. Two of those are probably old enough to go out but the younger of those 2 is that pretty double tufted/rumpless blue chick so I'm being overly cautious. The black is it's buddy so it gets to stay in too. The other 2 are still way too young, just feathering in now so they're inside for another month or more depending on how rough our winter gets.

I was looking at birchen at the kippenjungle site and their photo's of birchen looked nothing like what I thought birchen was. It may be a different black base? I don't know but I can tell you I get close to thinking I'm getting some of the genetics of poultry then wham!
That's the one. Yes her barring faded. Here she is today.

Here are my Barred project boys. Both are rumpless with small tufts. The first one will be culled in the spring. I would cull him now but would hate to loose the second boy this winter.

This second boy has much better barring and will be used for breeding this spring.

Here is a picture of one of them as a chick.

Her is their sister that I kept just to give me an idea of what the eggs genetics look like that the boys will be passing on. She is a good looking pullet with a green and purple sheen to her feathers.

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