Araucana thread anyone?

For show, no. Duckwings are showable but too much melanizer makes more black in the plumage. Like this boy - He should have pure yellowish whitish hackle, saddle, and plenty color on the wing but doesn't.

Otherwise it's fine if you are not planning to breed for show, most don't.

Great news - My gal Josephine is a mommy!! She's been sitting on a large quantity of eggs for quite a while now and just this morning, a little double tufted blue cuckoo chick's head was poking out from under her breast. Carefully lifting her up, she's got two more chicks, both yellow with faint stripes, and several more eggs some pipped under her. I'm very excited! So far she's being a great mom too, still sitting and waiting for the rest. I'm assuming the yellow chicks means my blue cuckoo boy is actually hiding a recessive (Wheaten?) gene. The chicks are pretty yellow.
Yay for Josephine babies!

I just took some pictures of the two 'cana chicks I have. One has such a marvelous tuft!

First chickie - has a tuft of equal size on the other side

Second chickie

Beautiful babies Stacy,

Second chickie is a boy I think. I cant tell on first chickie for sure but I think girl. Let me know how my guesses match up to reality.

I took some more pics it does have some goldish colored barring on the shoulder areas when I spread the wing out there is mahogany brown I also noticed some greenish color here and there. The breeder has golden duckwing color in her line so I was wondering if it is a Golden Duckwing roo ???? This picture is with the wing spread out...

Gold Duckwing cockerel, guessing about 5 months old?
I love the pics of the babies, Stacy!! I am still praying mine will start going broody. I have assumed they are Aracaunas -- but think I will go out and take some pics and you all can tell me for sure. Back with them later.
I have taken some photos of some of my ladies. Can you all tell me if they are Aracauna's?? I think all of these are except for the last one -- Thinking she might be an australorp??
Thanks for any help. Buffy (the first photo) I am beginning to think she might be wanting to go broody. Whenever I go to the nest and she is on it she is purring at me. But she doesn't stay on the nest thru the night and she is on the nest for only 2-3 hours during the day. She only has about 7 eggs under her.

None of those are. Araucanas don't have tails, nor do they have beards (fluffiness under the beak and surrounding the earlobes) - Araucanas have tufts instead, which are literal feathers that come out of near the earlobes on one or both sides of the face, and only that area. No fluffiness, completely "clean shaven" under the beak.

Those look to be Easter Eggers (mutts with colored eggs) and Easter Egger crosses. Because hatcheries, feedstores, and most chicken owners don't know the difference, it is easy to think one has an Araucana when they actually have the "Easter Egger."
Thanks Illia,

The man I bought them from must not know the difference! He said Aracauna's but they sure didn't look like what I had about 25 years ago. Now I am not sure they were Aracauna's either! Guess I had better get to looking online for some good pics! Oh well, I love my ladies no matter what they are.

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