Araucana thread anyone?

So is it true that you can't breed two double tufted birds?

Yes... well, you can, but the chicks have *I think* a 50/50 chance of inheriting the tufted gene from both parents and 2 copies of the tufted gene are 100% lethal... chick will die in shell before hatch...
Tufts are awesome, but there are some major issues with them unless they are bred properly... thus you breed tufted to non-tufted, even tho non-tufted is not APA standard they necessary for more successful hatches... hope this helps! :)
We have 5 chicks that have hatched so far by our broody Rumpless Double Tufted Araucana hen. 6 are Araucana and 1 is a project, crossed Black Rumpless Double Tufted Araucana Roo and a Crested Cream Legbar hen.
Aloha, I need a better camera. 3 Tufties. I wonder what color the red one will be. Aloha, Puhi
Gorgeous chicks, both of you!!! And love the rumpless broody!! :D

If you breed tufted to tufted, and put 8 eggs in the incubator, 1/4 or 2 will be homozygous for tufted(TT) and die before hatching. 1/2 or 4 will be heterozygous(Tt) and therefore have tufts. 1/4 or the remaining 2 will not have the tuft gene(tt). So you will have 6 chicks, 4 tufted.

If you breed tufted to clean face and put 8 eggs in the incubator, 1/2 or 4 will be heterozygous(Tt) and have tufts. the other half or 4 will not have the tufted gene. So you could have 8 chicks but still, only 4 will be tufted. Either way, you get 4 tufted chicks.

Of course, these numbers represent the perfect world and not the real world, as the real world does not always get you heads 50% of the time when you flip the coin.

At this point, Iʻd rather have a higher ratio of tufted and would be willing to have a lower percentage hatch to get a higher percentage of tufted chicks.

Of course, itʻs moot for me as none of my hens have tufts, but luckily, both of my roosters have tufts.

Aloha, Puhi

Hello everyone! I'm finally getting some nice offspring. :)
@rainbowhatchery , we purchased our chicks under the name "Ameracauna," but thought they were "Aracauna," and learned later they were easter eggers - we didn't mind, because we weren't specifically looking for one or the other, but I think the misconception is certainly out there.

For anyone that's interested, I found the following articles very helpful(for a chicken newbie) in providing clarification between the three:

Hope it helps!

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