Araucana thread anyone?

Holy Crap! They are a day and half early!!! I just noticed I have 3 of the 6 eggs with pip holes in the shell. My humidity hasn't even risen much yet. It did take me six days to collet her eggs. I left them out at room temp. Does that give them a headstart on development???
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It can take a while from pip to zip. I dunno, when I incubated my araucana eggs they pipped and hatched early. I think my 'bator was running a degree hotter than my thermometer was telling me. Sit on your hands and watch, don't touch! It can be so tempting to open up the bator. I amuse myself by tapping on the 'bator every now and then, because it often stimulates the chicks to chirp and wiggle about in their eggs a bit.
It can take a while from pip to zip. I dunno, when I incubated my araucana eggs they pipped and hatched early. I think my 'bator was running a degree hotter than my thermometer was telling me. Sit on your hands and watch, don't touch! It can be so tempting to open up the bator. I amuse myself by tapping on the 'bator every now and then, because it often stimulates the chicks to chirp and wiggle about in their eggs a bit.

These weren't Auracuanas, but the same thing about the incubator.

I have a still air styrofoam incubator so I try to run it at 100 degrees. The last week or when I remember, lol, I put my ticking clock against the incubator. Hubby found me an old wall clock that takes AA batteries and ticks loudly. I like to think the babies think it is Mama's heartbeat.

This past hatch I forgot to record the date I started. (Bad Chicken Mom!) I left the eggs in the turner but unplugged it when the first babe started pipping. When I heard their peeping, I started "sweet talking" to the incubator. Next thing I know there is a kitten wrapped around my ankle asking, "You're talking to me, right Mommy?" I must have said "baby" a few times and Midnight knows she is the "baby kitty".

I totally blame Amy Nadine for my cat situation.
It has been so long since I've had kittens that I forgot how much fun and work they are. So far the children are still caring for their babies. And it is Amy Nadine's fault because I went to her house to pick up a "free" Auracuana rooster when she asked if I was interested in A kitten. I came home with three.
I don't know about everyone else but my Araucana eggs routinely hatch at 19 to 20 days. Congrats Rumbull! I have a bunch more eggs but many of them are going with me to the east coast, several buyers between here and Maryland. The older eggs I offered to you for free were taken by a guy who drove from north of KC to buy "a few" of my young birds and he ended up with a few more than he planned I think. I hope he has a great hatch. I haven't had any trouble setting/hatching eggs laid over 2 weeks old and they were about that age.

I've sold quite a few chicks. I sold a few on the Skyblueegg auction that will ship out when we return from our trip to see the kids and I have a 4H leader in Northern Missouri that will be coming down to buy chicks and eggs for his kids in the 4H group when we get back and I'm holding some for a breeder up towards St James, Mo. so I'm about out of chicks for sale. I also sold Columbo and Slinky together. They will ship out when we get back too. It's going to be grand central station when we get home. That will leave the handful I'm keeping for now and I still have breeders requesting chicks so I guess I'll keep hatching. I really need to get my son in gear to turn my wine cooler into an incubator

I listed some hatching eggs in the auction site here but they didn't get a bid so I think I'll just hold on to them till we get back. Heck, at the rate they're laying now, I'll have several dozen by then. I may look at a GQF incubator when we get home and see if I should just buy one.

How are everyone's chicks doing that have hatched this summer? Any photo's? What colors are you all getting? tufts? I'm hatching a few tufted with every hatch now. I've been really pleased with the chicks I'm getting.

Oh yes you should just buy one!!!!!!! Honestly - that is one of if not the best purchase that I have made in 10 years. Not just because it allows me to feed this hatching addiction of mine (ahem) but because it is a product that works - it does everything that it says it does. It had gotten to a point in life where everything that we bought had proven or was proving to be a sham in one way or another - we just expected to have to deal with some problem or other with this incubator as well. It's really, REALLY nice to have something just work - and keep on working after lots and lots of use. If you can pull it off - I say go for it.

Well done on all the Araucana hatching, selling and trading - you go woman!
First chick is out. Still wet and matted put looks to be spash. Once it decided it was time, it really went to town and came out fast. The other two have not done much since I got home. I have a few EE eggs in there along with LH and other mixes. Two of the three EE have pipped as well. I need to get to bed so hope to wake up to more chickies.
Hi all, I may not be in the right place, but we are looking to get some auracanas and are looking for trusted breeders in the Portland OR area. Anyone here able to point me in the right direction?

Bantam or Large Fowl? There's a lady not too far from you in Washington who does bantams, and I do Large Fowl, but again, I'm in Washington just north of you.

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