Are all three pullets??? (please?!)



7 Years
Aug 9, 2016
Hi there experts! I have three chickies that my broody hen dutifully sat on and then raised. They are now almost 9 weeks old. Each is from a different mommy, but all three have the same daddy. He's an Ameraucana as far as I know. The mommies are one Ameraucana, and two Buff Orps. I'm hoping all three are girls, of course, cuz one rooster is more than enough! ;-) Here they are:


left to right is Charlotte, Harriet, and Clementine. They are 8 weeks old here. Below are other angles. Charlotte first(I'm reasonably sure she's a girl)

here's a couple of shots of Harriet. She's the far as I know.


and Clementine...she's a Buff Orp/Am cross, like Charlotte, but they have different Buff Orp mommies. Clementine loves to relax and turn into a puddle, so it's kinda hard to get a good picture of her standing up
with her wings up on her back where they belong. here's the best I can do...

This is everybody's Daddy(Gregory Peck):

And here are the Mommies(in the same order as their babies...Bertha, Gertrude, and Blanche):

So what do you all think? Charlotte's a pullet, right? I cant see ANY signs that she might be a roo. What do you all think of Harriet and Clementine? Any chance I'm overreacting to the slight pinking of the combs? They're not *always* pink...sometimes they're just as pale as Charlotte's, and their moms' combs used to pink up a lot when they were excited, so I'm hoping that they passed that on to their progeny. :-\ I'm not seeing ANY signs of saddle feathers, and tail feathers are all nicely rounded and even. I'm not sure I can come up with another two clever male actor/rooster names! LOL! Thanks for any insights! :)
Hello, they are beautiful looking birds! Love that rooster. I’m totally new so my experience is .25 on a scale of 0-10 lol.
My observations are really a test for myself. The rooster looks like an Easter Egger and a beautiful one at that. The chicks From the EE mom I would guess would be considered an EE.the two chicks from the Orp hens I think would be sec generation EE.
All three chicks look like pullets to me no colour in the combs yet, I see no male saddle or cape hackles at this time. The darker EE standing quite tall and the legs seem big so I would watch that one. I am looking at the pics on a tablet so the pic is not so big to me.
The folks here with all the experience and knowledge will likely ask to see pictures around the 12 week mark as that’s when the male feathering will start to show in earnest.
Again these are quested on my part. The pros will be reading this soon.
I love your flock, anyone would be proud to own them.
Hello, they are beautiful looking birds! Love that rooster. I’m totally new so my experience is .25 on a scale of 0-10 lol.
My observations are really a test for myself. The rooster looks like an Easter Egger and a beautiful one at that. The chicks From the EE mom I would guess would be considered an EE.the two chicks from the Orp hens I think would be sec generation EE.
All three chicks look like pullets to me no colour in the combs yet, I see no male saddle or cape hackles at this time. The darker EE standing quite tall and the legs seem big so I would watch that one. I am looking at the pics on a tablet so the pic is not so big to me.
The folks here with all the experience and knowledge will likely ask to see pictures around the 12 week mark as that’s when the male feathering will start to show in earnest.
Again these are quested on my part. The pros will be reading this soon.
I love your flock, anyone would be proud to own them.

Thanks! I am very proud of them...they're beautiful, they're very entertaining, and they give me breakfast! :) Lots and lots of beautifully colored eggs. Yum!

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