Are all three pullets??? (please?!)

I think Harriette is a Harry. There is a darker red coming in on the wings - sign of boy. I think I also see 3 rows on the comb - another sign of boy. I don't know much about the other breeds so can't help there. :).

Thanks! I'm keeping an eye on her...I'm really hoping she's a she...she's so gorgeous though...cant say I've seen a girl that pretty before so that kinda scares me! ;-|
There isn't a single Ameraucana in the bunch...they're all Easter Eggers. :)

Harriet's shaping up to be a handsome man. ;) I'd also keep an eye on Clementine. "Her" comb is quite pink/developed for a 9-week-old bird. Not only that, but I believe I might be seeing the start of a darker red wing bars.


thanks, Alex...yeah...I'm keeping an eye on Clementine too, but she's crossed with Buff Orp, and her mom at this age, also had a comb sticking up a bit and pinkish like that, so I'm hoping hoping hoping. I'm wondering though...what makes you say none of them are Ams? Not trying to be argumentative...just looking for information/explanation... I cant seem to find anything definitive either way...none of them look like any Ams OR EEs that I've seen in pictures, and I cant find anything that eliminates them as there a trait I'm missing? not seeing? I got them from a farmer who does classes on chicken keeping, and they get their hundreds of chicks for these classes directly from the breeders, and these two were supposed to be Ams...I'm sure mistakes can be made, and I really dont care which they are(but I'd like to know for sure what they are, and what makes them that, so I can call em by the right name)...just wondering why everyone automatically says "nope...not Am...EE!" ;-) What are you seeing that makes you say Gertrude and Gregory(and Harriet) aren't Ameraucanas? Thanks! :)
They are all pullets harriette is not a Harry by now the crest would be bigger and she wouldn't have those round feathers if she was a he

The red on her wings is not the same kind of red that is on a roo here's an example of my 2 month old ee roo

View attachment 1440372

This is my opinion at least :)

oh he is just beautiful! I can definitely see the roo-ness there! My Harriet looks nothing like that...still no saddle feathers, no long curving tail feathers...just nothing like what her daddy looked like at this age either. I sure hope you're right! I so was hoping for some more lovely blue-green eggs like her mommy lays! ...not sure what the other two will lay(if they lay!)...hoping for some kind of pretty combo between the brown and blue-green. :)
Thanks! I'm keeping an eye on her...I'm really hoping she's a she...she's so gorgeous though...cant say I've seen a girl that pretty before so that kinda scares me! ;-|

I'm sorry. But *she* won't lay eggs. If you look at *her* wings - there is a deep red coming in over the bows. It is a completely different red than the rest of her brown feathers. He is gorgeous though. Just stunning.

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