Are all three pullets??? (please?!)

I agree with Alex that Harriet and Clementine might be a Harry and a Clem. Harry for sure, and that comb on Clementine is sooo bright for a bird that age. Sorry! You sure have some beautiful birds, though!

Thanks! I do think they're pretty gorgeous. I thought it was just me looking at them with "mommy eyes", but everyone keeps saying how stunning they are, so maybe it's not just "mother's love"! ;-)
(mine is pullet) yours *might* be a boy

thanks for the "hope"! I like knowing others have been told roo incorrectly! ;-) I'm hoping hoping hoping...time will tell...I'm just so dang impatient! ;-) I love the chicken in your picture! My grandfather back in Germany used to raise and show those when I was little...never did find out what they were called, but they're so cute! :)
thanks for the "hope"! I like knowing others have been told roo incorrectly! ;-) I'm hoping hoping hoping...time will tell...I'm just so dang impatient! ;-) I love the chicken in your picture! My grandfather back in Germany used to raise and show those when I was little...never did find out what they were called, but they're so cute! :)
Polish crested! Thanks! I LOVE them!
Polish crested! Thanks! I LOVE them!

They're awesome! I have very vivid memories of watching my grandfather shampoo and blow dry their white puffy heads before taking them to show. I dont even know if he ever won anything with them...I just remember the "hair salon" in his shed...LOL!!! Thanks for the blast from the past! :)
I think you lucked out and they are all pullets, they should have more comb development by 9 weeks than what I see here to be roosters. Love your rooster, wonder where he got those white wing tips? I had 2 kind of like him years ago, both handsome boys. Mine had more brown in the wings though.
I think you lucked out and they are all pullets, they should have more comb development by 9 weeks than what I see here to be roosters. Love your rooster, wonder where he got those white wing tips? I had 2 kind of like him years ago, both handsome boys. Mine had more brown in the wings though.

Thanks! I do so hope you're right! He's actually got more brown in his wings than you can see in this light. Each of his feathers on that end of his wing have just a thin white stripe...the rest is brown, but when he stands at attention like that, they line up to make a big white spot. :) He's even more stunning in the sunlight! He almost looks unreal with all of his rainbow colors blazing in the sun. I wish I could capture it, but it just doesn't come out the same in a picture. I just wish his personality matched his good looks...he's a bit of a bast.... ;-) His good looks and the fact that he gives me free chickies that are just adorable are pretty much what's convincing me to keep him around...everyone I know says I should make soup. :-\ I cant bring myself to do it though...he's my baby...even if he has a mean streak! :-\
thanks, Alex...yeah...I'm keeping an eye on Clementine too, but she's crossed with Buff Orp, and her mom at this age, also had a comb sticking up a bit and pinkish like that, so I'm hoping hoping hoping. I'm wondering though...what makes you say none of them are Ams? Not trying to be argumentative...just looking for information/explanation... I cant seem to find anything definitive either way...none of them look like any Ams OR EEs that I've seen in pictures, and I cant find anything that eliminates them as there a trait I'm missing? not seeing? I got them from a farmer who does classes on chicken keeping, and they get their hundreds of chicks for these classes directly from the breeders, and these two were supposed to be Ams...I'm sure mistakes can be made, and I really dont care which they are(but I'd like to know for sure what they are, and what makes them that, so I can call em by the right name)...just wondering why everyone automatically says "nope...not Am...EE!" ;-) What are you seeing that makes you say Gertrude and Gregory(and Harriet) aren't Ameraucanas? Thanks! :)
It's very possible (s)he's simply maturing more quickly than the others, so take heart. :)

Simply asking questions out of curiosity isn't being argumentative at all. :D First reason I say they're Easter Eggers is coloration. True Ameraucanas are classified by their specific color types (such as BBS, White, Wheaten, Blue Wheaten, Buff, Lavender, and Silver, only some of which are recognized). If you look up any of these, you'll probably notice your gorgeous birds don't really match a given AM color. That's the main tip-off.

I'm not sure how much you paid for these two, but another factor is price. AMs are on the higher end of the scale (I usually see them in the $20s range), while EEs can go for $2 to $3 per chick. :)

Egg color is another. Ameraucanas lay exclusively blue, while EEs could produce just about anything in the rainbow. Well, not literally, but you get it. ;)

There are a few others I could mention, but I think that's the gist of it. :)

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just wondering why everyone automatically says "nope...not Am...EE!" ;-) What are you seeing that makes you say Gertrude and Gregory(and Harriet) aren't Ameraucanas? Thanks! :)

This should help answer this question:


Ameraucanas are a pure breed that has been recognized by the APA (American Poultry Association) since 1984. They were most likely originally bred from South American blue egg laying breeds but were developed and standardized in the United States. They come in eight distinct colors including, Blue, Black, White and Wheaten, which all share these distinct Ameraucana traits:


Muffs and beard

Red earlobes


Blue legs

White foot bottoms

Always lay blue eggs


Araucanas are more rare than Amerauacanas and harder to find. They are also a pure breed and have been recognized by the APA since 1976. They originated in Chile most likely and come in five colors including black, white, duckwing silver and golden. Araucanas all share these distinct Araucana traits:


Ear tufts (this gene is lethal to developing chicks if inherited by both parents)

Red earlobes

Rumpless (no tail)

Green or willow-colored legs

Yellow foot bottoms

Always lay blue eggs


Easter Eggers are not a recognized breed. They are mongrels or mutts - mixed breed chickens that do possess the blue egg gene, but don't fully meet the breed specifications of either Araucanas or Ameraucanas. They can come in any color or combination of colors and share these traits:

Any kind of comb

Muffs/beard/ear tufts or none

Any color earlobes

Tail or tail-less

Any color legs

Any color foot bottoms

Can lay blue but also sometimes lay green, tan, pink or even yellow

So if you want to be guaranteed blue egg layers, you will want to raise some Araucanas or Ameraucanas; otherwise Easter Eggers are always fun because you never know what color egg each will lay until she starts laying, and even identical-looking hens often lay varying shades of bluish or greenish eggs.

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