Are all three pullets??? (please?!)

I've crossed my EE roo with BOs and Sussex many times. The one thing I've found is that the ones who's legs turn green/blue starting around 2 weeks are female. The male legs never turn green and stay a yellow/white/buff color. In about 20 or so chicks that's always been the case for me and I've done some reading and it seems to be a common sex-linked trait.

I'm pretty sure that does not hold true when crossing and EE with another EE however.
How about Cluck Gable for a male, Gregory Peck,

Oh yeah! That's cute! We used to have a "Cluck Norris" across the hill from us...but I haven't heard him in a while...maybe they changed his name to "Stu" (Stew) ;-) Yes...I was thinking since we have Gregory Peck, we gotta stick with the theme... ;-) I came up with Russell Crow, and a friend of mine suggested Alfred Hitchcock, but I really like Cluck Gable! Hmmmm...NOW I have options!!!! ...any other great ideas out there? I mean...I'll probably try again, since the goal was to have more hens, and it appears I only managed to get I might end up with more roos. I think I need to start coming up with more names like "Stew-art Little", "Jimmy Stew-art", "Soup-erman" though...I dont think I'll be lucky enough to have them all get along. My run is only 13' x 13', and I dont have room for another run/coop, so I cant really separate them if they fight. ...anybody have any luck keeping more than one Roo? :-\
I've crossed my EE roo with BOs and Sussex many times. The one thing I've found is that the ones who's legs turn green/blue starting around 2 weeks are female. The male legs never turn green and stay a yellow/white/buff color. In about 20 or so chicks that's always been the case for me and I've done some reading and it seems to be a common sex-linked trait.

I'm pretty sure that does not hold true when crossing and EE with another EE however.

wow...that is REALLY helpful! Thank you! I had never heard that before! ...then again I never really looked into it... I wasn't going to set too many more of those eggs under my broody anymore, but now that I know of this sex-linked trait, maybe I will! :) Seems like it'd be nice to know that early! :) Thanks a bunch! :)
I've crossed my EE roo with BOs and Sussex many times. The one thing I've found is that the ones who's legs turn green/blue starting around 2 weeks are female. The male legs never turn green and stay a yellow/white/buff color. In about 20 or so chicks that's always been the case for me and I've done some reading and it seems to be a common sex-linked trait.

I'm pretty sure that does not hold true when crossing and EE with another EE however.

oh hey...while I'm thinking of they all come out mostly Buff colored when you cross EE and BO? Or do you get more variations than I have with Charlotte and Clementine? ...just wondering... I also have two Black Astrolorps...I haven't set any of their eggs cuz they both tend to have a lot of meat spots in their eggs, and I didn't know if that was hereditary? or a BA trait? Not that it bothers me a lot, but when I give a dozen eggs away, I feel bad if they get a lot of meat spotty's not "pretty" ;-) Do you know if that's a BA "thing"? Or is it a hereditary thing? Or just coincidence that those two are the only ones in my flock that EVER have meat spots? ...also wondering what that cross might look like, since Gregory Peck is a fairly dark EE...would the babies be mostly black? Or?
The predominate color I've gotten when I've cross my EE with a BO is a white bird with black tipped feathers. Some of them do get a slight buff-ish cast to them, but are mostly white. Twice, I've gotten a gorgeous dark orange, with green tipped feathers. One was a drop dead gorgeous rooster with an attitude problem (RIP). The other was a hen.

The other interesting genetic thing I've noticed, is about half the hens inherit the pea comb of the EE. Of those, they have all laid green/blue eggs. The other half inherit a single comb, and they all lay light brown eggs. Weird, huh?

Here are some pictures of my hens. The first is Big Orange. She was so huge, I would have thought she was a rooster but for her green legs. The second picture is of one of the white offspring and you can also see my rooster, Duke, in the picture.



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