are all tsc chicks straight run?

This sounds strange but if you take a chick, turn it on its back and place it in the palm of your hand, being careful not to drop it, you can tell the sex this way.........if the chick kicks its legs frantically for a few seconds and then lies still, it's a female. Roos will kick frantically non-stop.

Like I said, it sounds strange but it does work.

I have 15 red sex link hens. It was easy to sex them as the females are a reddish color at birth and the males are an off-white color at birth.

Well as soon as i read this I went and flipped my chicks and they all immediatly relaxed on their backs. So that gave me some hope lol.
Glad to hear it. Looks like you're on your way to becoming a chicken finatic like the rest of us on

What did you find out about the ordinance time, or have you checked on it yet? There are only 5 houses in my little neighborhood but I'm not supposed to have chickens at all. No home owner's association here, just by-laws. Two of my neighbors told me that they didn't care that I have them, one just moved in and I haven't met them yet and the other two live about 6 acres away from me so I doubt they would say anything about my having them, and if they do, I'll just supply them with fresh eggs every week. That'll shut 'em

My next project will be hatching turkey eggs in my incubator. Got 12 eggs coming next week. Six Rio Grande and Eastern mix eggs and six Bourbon Red eggs.

After that I'm gonna hatch Ringneck Pheasants. I found someone on here that will have pheasant eggs beginning the first week of april. I am going to buy all he has and all he WILL have during the laying season. I want to raise them to set free as adults and continue to do so for as long as I can. Ringneck Pheasants in my area are all but gone due to hunters and natural predators. My hope is to replenish the flocks to help bring them back to the area.

Good luck with your chicks and I wish you luck on the ordinance thing. Have a great day.

Glad to hear it. Looks like you're on your way to becoming a chicken finatic like the rest of us on

What did you find out about the ordinance time, or have you checked on it yet?  There are only 5 houses in my little neighborhood but I'm not supposed to have chickens at all. No home owner's association here, just by-laws. Two of my neighbors told me that they didn't care that I have them, one just moved in and I haven't met them yet and the other two live about 6 acres away from me so I doubt they would say anything about my having them, and if they do, I'll just supply them with fresh eggs every week. That'll shut 'em

My next project will be hatching turkey eggs in my incubator. Got 12 eggs coming next week. Six Rio Grande and Eastern mix eggs and six Bourbon Red eggs.

After that I'm gonna hatch Ringneck Pheasants. I found someone on here that will have pheasant eggs beginning the first week of april. I am going to buy all he has and all he WILL have during the laying season. I want to raise them to set free as adults and continue to do so for as long as I can. Ringneck Pheasants in my area are all but gone due to hunters and natural predators. My hope is to replenish the flocks to help bring them back to the area.

Good luck with your chicks and I wish you luck on the ordinance thing. Have a great day.


I think states require a permit if you plan on releasing birds. I'm sure the breeder would have said something though when you where talking to him. I think you also feed them differently so they are not used to humans, so they are more wild-like.
I plan on having pheasants some day, I just have to build a huge flight pen, I want to get some melanistic pheasants (black ringnecks).
i looked at the muncipal code website and it didnt have a specfic time when the ordiance starts, so i guess its all day.
The guy I am getting the 6 Rio Grande and Eastern mix turkey eggs from is who I will be getting the pheasant eggs from. The eggs will be from Black Ringneck Pheasants.

I have also ordered 50 Chinese Ringneck day old chicks from "Peaceable Hill Hatchery" in Vermont. The chicks will be shipped on april 17th. Gotta get my brooder pen ready!!!!!

If you are serious about wanting to raise some pheasants I will send you a couple for the price of shipping when my eggs hatch, if you want them. (no charge for the birds). Just let me know, okay?

I wouldn't take for granted that the ordinance is "all day" since it doesn't state on their website. I would call them on the phone and find out for sure. At least you would know exactly what the policy states.

With respect, Ringnecks were only in your area to start with because of hunters. Hunters imported these birds once upon a time to the USA and mostly hunter programs have kept them stocked in areas where they do not flourish. They are not a native bird.

That said, kudos for taking the initiative! They are a delight to have around.
A year ago, we had a a very hard winter and early spring. The TSC stores in our area all had lots of losses with the bantam chicks. I purchased 6 banties and only 5 of them survived the first two days which was very sad. The Tractor Supply store offered to replace them, they never had bantams in stock when we were in the store that year.

This spring, I explained this to the manager about this. We had no receipts or anything but we are regulars there. The manager said she couldn't GIVE us the chicks, but we could buy replacements for a penny per chick. We even ended up with an extra, since in our state, it's illegal to sell less than 6 chicks at a time.

A penny a chick is a hard price to beat!

The replacements are all white silkies. They're wonderful in that weird silkie way. One interesting thing is that these are by far the biggest bantam chicks we have ever seen. They are more than twice as large as the OEG bantam chicks we got from another source that same week. I know there's not supposed to be a standard sized version of the silkie, but these chicks look like they're trying to prove that rule wrong.
Well as soon as i read this I went and flipped my chicks and they all immediatly relaxed on their backs. So that gave me some hope lol.

Then why my male Welsummer chicks went relaxed on their backs and they are males???? Even my Spitzhauben pullet chicks from the hatchery went wild non stop until you put it down....I see no truth in it, IMO.

I've heard of many different type of sexing and this method isn't fool proof. It probably depends on the breed's temperments.

I have 18, 7 week old chicks and I did this test on them at 3 days old. The test showed 4 roosters and 14 hens and that is EXACTLY what I have. I'm sorry the test didn't work for you, and I never said it was foolproof. I have been raising chickens on and off for 51 years, bantams and large fowl, and had only ONE chick wrong by using this method all these years.

I have also used a baseball cap. Take the ball cap and lower it, just as if you were wearing it, into the brooder to chick height. Slowly move the ball cap away from the chicks. The pullets will follow the ball cap, the roosters will not. This method isn't foolproof either but it has worked for me.

Again, I am sorry it didn't work for you. It does for me and I will continue to use this method.


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