Are Barred Rocks a good starter breed


9 Years
Jan 6, 2011
I have recently acquired a BR roo and was planning on getting a couple of BR hens in the spring. Are they a good breed for beginners. Since I'm a stay at home mom I thought it would give me something else to do and a little entertainment in the process, plus my kids seem to like to watch them too. I am hoping for a few eggs in the process, but not sure on hatching any yet. I don't know how old the roo is either. Also, he has found a friend from the neighbors flock and I can't seem to out what she is. Since I still can't post pics yet I'll try to explain her. She is half the size he is with a brown body, red colored neck feathers and a black tail, pale legs, and a small single comb. I also wanted to know, since I'm a beginner at this, if it was best to start with pullets rather than chicks? Thanks
I started with barred rocks as chicks, I love them! they are docile and friendly. They are great dual purpose breed, I'm going to be getting so more this spring. I think they are great layers. I've had several other breeds and have been the best by far, they even lay well in the winter months. My oldest are 3 years, and have layed great up until now. I think it's great idea for you to start off with barred rocks. As for your neighbors hen, i have no idea. I would be great to have pic! Good Luck:)
Yes, Barred Rocks are a perfect beginner breed. They were the first heavy breed other than mixed games that I had back when I first started with chickens and they have always been one of my favs.
This goes for all rocks not just the barreds and other varieties need more breeders.
I hear that hatchery BR can be agressive. Mine from breeder stock are very friendly and large birds
Plymouth Rock - Barred was the very first breed on my list when I started. I have one right now, and she is so friendly, affectionate, and a great layer. She chatters to me all the time, telling me chickeny stories.

Excellent startter - and continuing!- breed!
I would love to find a breeder close to me, but so far I haven't. Right now I'm doing research on the best ways to keep chickens and trying to find a coop design I like and my husband can build. I like to have the coop up before I get any more.

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