Are "beneficial bacteria" pond products safe for ducks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
We have a pretty large pond, about 3/4 acre on the surface, which my husband has treated in the past. The first year, he used just pond dye, which I know is safe. But last year he started also using a beneficial bacteria product to control the muck. He uses a lot of pond dye when we can afford it to keep the plants and algae down (he will not use copper sulfate products because its bad for our catfish). Anyway, I think the bacteria is safe because I think I recall seeing geese on the pond while its been treated, but I wanted to make sure, so what do you think? I can't seem to come up with the right search terms to find it on Google lol! I have four 2 week old ducklings and I want to be sure the pond will be safe for them when they're old enough to go in it. Thanks!
I'm kind of hoping that my hubby will decide the benefit of the ducks controlling the algae and mosquito larvae and such will overpower his desire to eat them lol
It should be completely safe for the ducks. The bacteria strains just break down organic waste and are not disease causing. It is made up of naturally occurring cultures of bacteria commonly found in ponds and other waterways. I use it in my koi pond and have gotten it one open scrapes without any infections. I would worry more about large catfish and snapping turtles hurting them......

Edited to add source of bacteria....
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