are chickens o.k in rain?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 8, 2008
melbourne, australia
hi, stupid question?
i have a run with a shade cloth roof and chicken wire. but little shelters they can hide under, and of coarse their coop (it high on legs). but they only stand in the rain! and of coarse complain about it. (i think)

is it o.k for them to stand out in the rain or am i better building over roof with laserlight roof panels for more shelter?

i dont want the little darlings uncomfortable and wet . (or cold)
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I'm interested to hear what others say. My girls stand out in the rain and it doesn't seem to bother them. It rains a lot here ... cold rain too, don't know what you have in Melbourne, but it doesn't bother them so far.
........yeah, I am curious too. It's not a matter if I want them in the rain or not...... I want what is best for them. My girls stand out in the rain too, though the wind kept them in today. But I am worried that if they're soaked when they go in the house at night that they may freeze..........I know I would.........
i see you are from oregon. where abouts? if you don't feel like fully disclosing-- the wet part or the dry part?

do you have a cover for yours? i planned to make one for mine as a little extra luxury next spring, but didn't really feel it was necessary. they seem happy as little clams standing out in the rain around here...
i'm like everyone else, i am just worried if they get sick, but i put up a half cover today in the rain.....and guess what, they stood in the rain side
Mine stand in the rain but won't go out in snow. They all looked like drowned rats on the roost last time it rained, but by morning they were all fluffed up and pretty. It might be that they like showers just like people!
During our summer here, my chooks like to stand in the rain to cool off.

How warm is it down under in Melbun this time of year? I have an aunt that was raised in Melbourne.
about 20 degrees Celsius and high wind factor, but all else good. their all in bed now and looking pretty. little buggers still in the nesting box though!
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