are ducks good pets

We just got ducks a couple months ago. Never had pets other than a dog or cat before. They are a LOT of care (messy! messy! messy!) and it cost us a fortune to property put up fencing around our pond for them and build them a house for shelter at night. That being said, my husband I spend most of our evenings sitting by the pond and watching them because they are SO fascinating and funny to watch! They aren't extremely hugable or kissable, but they will come up and eat out of my hands if I have watermelon or peas.
i have had chickens before and they are very fun after a year because they will cuddle with you i think ducks are like that and do you have to hold food for them to come to you or if they really love you will they just come to you and how long do they live thanks
wow mellissa they are amazing!! I so wish mine will be that tame. Did you have them as ducklings? ive only had my three girls two weeks and they are fully grown and still a bit frightened of me. xxxx

I picked them up from a feed store at two weeks old. That was a year ago. There are definitely moments when mine still run away from me,but for the most part they allow me to pick them up and hold them.

Have you tried giving them treats? That's usually how people win over their ducks.
I have read that spinach is bad for ducks... might want to check before feeding it. Other greens are OK, though, preferably dark leaved. Mine love butter lettuce... not as nutritious, but they love it. Mine also wouldn't eat peas until I fed them by hand first... now they will eat them out of a bowl. Most ducks like diced watermelon. My boys are very finicky, but they will eat cubed lettuce, peas, corn, and some fruit.
There's a wonderful list of treats in the 'stickies' at the top of the forums. Mine absolutely hate peas. They love tomatoes and romaine lettuce. Meal worms and crickets are fun too. Feeder fish as well. Thy will do anything for dry cat food.

To get my three little ones accustomed to my presence, I would simply sit down on the grass and have them range around me. Eventually they would inch closer, especially once they realized that I bring the food. Now they follow me everywhere, even when I don't have food.

Ducks are creatures of habit. I would bring their treats in the same blue cup everyday. When they saw the cup they would associate that excitedness with me!

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