Are fruits and vegetables ok to feed?

I thought the list looked quite similar to the list for dogs when I first read it so I'm just kind of going with that. 

There's a reason for that. Most of that stuff is known to be harmful to dogs but no studies have been done on birds so it's largely unknown just how harmful they are. I've heard of more than one pet bird mysteriously dying after being fed chocolate though so that's why I'm so animate about that one.

Edit: I got this information from my Avian Vet, so far as the "no studies" thing. I asked her after I was unable to find any information about onions being toxic. Come to find out, no studies have been done on birds for just about any of this stuff.
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Dang, what is up with the trolls here lately?? I guess the name says it all.
Anyway, we give our chickens apple cores all the time. No problems so far. I have 12 chickens and just over 1700 posts if that matters.

I am not sure posts have anything to do with how much experience someone has.

I would like to take advice from someone with 20+ years experience.
I also show my years of experience in my location for all to see. I think that helps others to decide what they what to listen too.
I am not sure posts have anything to do with how much experience someone has.  :D

I would like to take advice from someone with 20+ years experience. 
I also show my years of experience in my location for all to see. I think that helps others to decide what they what to listen too.

I agree. The troll was making fun of someone for having 10K posts and only 6 chickens so my blurb about how many chickens vs posts I had was written as a joke. :p
I guess I didn't catch the joke..... sorry

I was just frustrated with "who" to really listen too. I can not tell 1 from the other. as far as experience goes.

I agree. The troll was making fun of someone for having 10K posts and only 6 chickens so my blurb about how many chickens vs posts I had was written as a joke.
How about romaine lettuce & dandelions? My kids were tossing this stuff to my month+/- old chicks & ducks last night & they were still chowing on it this morning when I let them back out of the coop.

(I'm a "baby" chick raiser BTW...these are my very first birds.)

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