Are geese better than ducks?

If you're referring to the nice large dewlap Toulouse birds you see online then those cost much more then hatchery versions. Holderreads sells goslings for 80 each
Some hatcheries will sell pet quality dewlap birds. They will have a dewlap it just won't be as large as show quality birds.
Yeah dewlaps are too much money and I'll love the regular ones the more I'd play with them. I loved my pekin ducks and they are really plain but I could still tell my girls apart. Also would it be best to get only hens or two hens and one gander?
Yeah dewlaps are too much money and I'll love the regular ones the more I'd play with them. I loved my pekin ducks and they are really plain but I could still tell my girls apart. Also would it be best to get only hens or two hens and one gander?
Either combination should work fine. Some people have had problems with ganders becoming more aggressive when they grow up
How much would be quite a bit? Like $2 or $3. Or something major like $20 or $30 more than the regular ones.

Good quality Toulouse geese cost in the hundreds of dollars. The gray geese that the hatcheries call Toulouse are simply gray barnyard geese; not the same thing at all. Holderread sells good quality dewlap Toulouse for $80 apiece for one day old hatchlings and and $210 for sexed pairs of hatchlings. Those are from show quality stock and might turn ut to be show quality themselves, or they might not.

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