Are "Golden Comets" the same thing as "Red Sex Links" ?

Love my Critters!

11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
Carlsbad, NM
I get so confused because every hatchery calls them something different.
There are 4 different sex links.
Black sex links (yep black stars)
use a RIR rooster X a Barred Rock hen
Brown sex link
RIR rooster X a White rock hen
Gold sex links (yep golden comets)
RIR rooster X a Rhode Island White
Red sex link (yep red stars)
RIR rooster X a Delaware hen

I have the combo for all of them. But My RIW are still too young.
Thanks for the info harley's girl!

I love this forum - everyone is so knowledgeable and friendly and welcoming to those of us who have so much to learn!!
Thanks for the great info. That helps me a lot. I was told to get the Golden comets because they were good layers and are gentle because I have silkies that I don't want bullied. When I started looking to place my order I got all confused.

Thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it.
I have Gold Comets, and yes, they are super layers. I'm not sure if they'll pick on your Silkies or not, but I know mine don't pick on each other at all. They are somewhat shy of people, but that's probably because I got them as started pullets. As far as other chickens go, I used to have two Wyandottes and the Comets were afraid of them.

Hope this helps!

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