Are horse stall mats safe for chickens?

Turnip Farm

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 23, 2014

I have my coop ready for when everyone is feathered out, but I am concerned about the cement paver floor causing bumblefoot in my English Orpingtons when they are fully grown. I plan on putting TSC flake shavings over it, using a poop board under the roosts, and they will have a dirt floor run. The roosts are no more than 18" off the floor.

Do you think a horse stall mat over the pavers but under the shavings is a good idea? Do I need it or are the roosts low enough? Those mats stink to high heaven, and I suspect I would need to get one now and let it air out for as long as possible before using it. I'm concerned about the fumes and the chickens eating it when scratching/pecking at it.

Any thoughts on this?


Turnip Farm
For roosts that are only 18 inches off the ground that would be entirely unnecessary. However, how high are the rest of our internal structures such as nest boxes, etc going to be? Such low roosts can sometimes contribute to other issues depending on the design of the rest of the interior.
I have horse stall mats in all of my coops (with the exception of the tractor) and, to date, haven't had a problem with any chickens having any ill effects from them.
The nest box and a shelf are the same height. There won't be any higher points for them to jump off. It's the Kippen House design, if you Google it you will see some images of it. I have attached a run and will install a Pullet Shut door on a timer so they can go from the coop/run to the other run.

These birds are going to be big. I am just trying to avoid bumblefoot issues if I can. I don't relish cutting a chunk out of a chicken foot every so often, but with such big birds it might just be the way it goes no matter what I do.

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