Are illegal immigrants a BIG issue where you live?

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me&thegals :

How lucky for us that most of us didn't struggle through the initial cultural and language shock our ancestors would have in learning English, etc. If it bothers you so much that many immigrants don't speak English, learn Spanish! It's much easier. Then, you can be like most of the world and know more than 1 language! Better yet, join a literacy program and help someone learn English while you learn their language.

This is the United States of Amereica, and we speak English. If I was gonna live in Mexico (or anywhere else,) I'd learn their language, so I expect them to learn ours. If I moved to a differant country, I'd adapt to them, I wouldnt expect them to change to make things easier on me. Fair point?​
its a sad sad story over there,, them people go through alot, but dont get the news coverage like the africans and so on, i feel sorry for SOME of them, but the ones that are respectable and honest, fill out the 4 papers to come over here and try anew
I dont want to stir the pot or anything...but....

Why are most of the posts about Mexicans, Cubans, ect....

I think this is why some people may be getting a litle offended...

I think that ALL illegal immigrants should be included here from all counrtys...I dont care where you came from...I dont care what colour your skin is...Just dont come here and and work illegally and not pay taxes and pay your fair share...

when you call 911 do they ask are you legal or not mame? no they dont they just do thier job...but who pay them to to thier job?...the tax payers...the Armed Forces does not just protect legal citizens they protect all within thier ability...where do they get thier funding...thats right the tax payers
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I also think this is unfair ( I also feel it important to declare that my family arrived here on a commercial flight into JFK) and I can't understand why for the life of me the law is that way... I'm sure there is some reason but it's not fair.. your right.
Thank you to everyone who is keeping this civil thus far.

I'm Caucasian, the descendant of folks to immigrated here between the 1600s up to the early 1900s. My husband's ancestors include a Mayflower passenger all the way to folks who came here in the early 1900s. Sounds so "American" doesn't it? Yet, both hubby and I are also the descendants of people who entered this country illegally. His g-grandfather and my grandmother each entered illegally from Canada (LOTS of people did that when the US tightened regulations at the turn of the century). Both married legal residents, worked jobs, and eventually blended into this society. Yet, they were not legal residents when they came.

To look at either one of us, you wouldn't know it because we look like any of the other folks who came here legally at that time. But, that would be a wrong assumption, and it would be wrong for each of us here to also assume that each of us is here because all of our ancestors came here legally. I'd bet money that others posting here might find an illegal or two if they were to do a little digging into their own family tree.

I live in a city where there are many illegals. Many of my friends will rant about the "problem" then admit that they don't know the status of their gardener or their house cleaner. Recently, one friend went from complaining in one breath to admitting he didn't know his gardener's status, to then stating, "Heck, I don't even know his name!"

These are humans and many of them have come from deplorable conditions. I don't blame them one iota for wanting to be here. Who wouldn't? But, the answer lies in cracking down on those who are employing them. Until there is a cost to employing illegals, it will continue to happen.

To the poster whose brother was lost in defense of this country, please know that I am truly sorry for your loss.
However, he probably DID serve along side foreign born soldiers. I do know that at least in some branches of the military, non-citizens are free to serve in the military. This has been the case since the Revolutionary War. In recent years as our military has been further stretched by our involvement overseas, there has been consideration to allow a green light for citizenship for resident aliens who choose to serve in the US military. I don't recall what became of that discussion. Perhaps someone else knows.
I like that one , True

because of the #'s. 76% of ALL illegal immigrants are from mexico.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,whats sad is, how come cubans only have to touch "hard soil" to be able to stay here, and ALL others must apply?
i don't mean to get offended, i just hate it when some people use the term Spanish or Latinos in the illegal terms or when they see a person who looks or talks the Spanish language they assume they are illegal, some don't know the difference that's why i always say you should know who u talk about before u talk .Like a lot of people don't know that Puerto Rico is part of the US.
Oh i also have to through out there that a lot of famous baseball players are Dominique, It all depends on who takes advantage of the US .
guess i should throw my heritage in therah,,hehe,, im a yankee, even worse a hippie yankee ,, ( and you all think racial profiling is bad,, try "hippie" profiling,,hehe
my grandpa was 75% native american, grams was all IRISH,,haha,, my dad is from the old vikings, and some otha breed,,,,,so im .00004756624% true "native" the rest of me is an immigrant. ( but we all legal
I like that one , True

because of the #'s. 76% of ALL illegal immigrants are from mexico.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,whats sad is, how come cubans only have to touch "hard soil" to be able to stay here, and ALL others must apply?

Actully Cubans also need a green card to be here in the US
If they get arrested they could lose there green cards and be sent back.
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