Are illegal immigrants a BIG issue where you live?

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I live in California. We have a very high percentage of illegals. In fact I read somewhere that it was likely that within the next generation Spanish will be the most spoken language in California.

I have worked with a lot of illegals, and have a fair amount of friends that are illegal, but agree that our unemployment is bad here and that Americans need the jobs...
Just take a look at who is holding these signs up asking for spare change at the freeway on and off ramps, Americans who can't get of their b**ts and find work, most illegals have great work ethics and are hard workers working low paying jobs (menial) most Americans wouldn't consider working at since we have higher standards since we are far more educated than them?, they live together as a family sharing their paychecks knowing that giving is more important than receiving and in return will be rewarded with personal satisfaction. There are so many jobs available but Americans don't want these jobs, I believe there should be a quest worker program, maybe have a immigration office in Mexico or other countries where these people can apply for work here and eventually get a green card then citizenship. Then how do we address health care and minimum wage and other benefits they should be entitled to without being exploited. At one point the US goverment tried to outlaw or eliminate Asians due to pressure from the big unions because of their superior workmanship, it all failed due to the great fire in San Francisco when the immigration building burnt down and they were able to bring family and relatives over to the US, I consider them a wonderful success story.
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I just want to make a small point. If you see someone shopping at Walmart or anywhere else you can't tell they are illegal immigrants or if they are immigrants at all. They are just brown people who are different than you. Any comments that make that kind of statement are racist, nothing else.

Last time I checked you can't tell someone's immigration status by the color of their skin, or their shopping habits.

Our borders are porous, and our companies employ illegal immigrants. Stop the job supply, stop the problem. Walmart, Tyson, large companies, small companies, big agriculture, meat packing, construction, all rely on foreign, often illegal labor.
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I served with many foreign born sailors - mostly from the Phillipines. One fella I will never forget and will always respect - refused to speak his native language and "hang out" with people just because they were Phillipino. He worked for his citizenship and when he got it - boy, was he ever proud! That's what America is all about! It's not about those that want to get what they can and screw the rest - even if they were born here. A fella I served with from Brittain was not so honorable.....that is not a slam on Brits, just stating once again that it's a character thing and not a race thing - you can't tell by looking! And, you can't tell by one's accent!

I'm sorry about your brother - we don't all get to come home, even from other theaters other than Iraq - though Iraq gets the show on TV - and we don't all come home in one piece....but his love is home - with you!

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mom'sfolly :

Our borders are porous

So let's build a giant moat on the borders and fill them with crocodiles.
So let's build a giant moat on the borders and fill them with crocodiles.

Hungry ones or well fed? We could feed them our culled chickens and then ride on their backs.....
So let's build a giant moat on the borders and fill them with crocodiles.

That's not a really constructive reply. This is a real problem for this country.
Personally, I think that anyone who is foreign born and voluntarily serves in our military deserves automatic citizenship when their tour is up. I also think that those who complete PhDs or MDs in this country should be offered expedited citizenship. These are the kind of people we want to keep!
See here in MASS we have the same issue, but they are legal.. im not talking about mexicans here either.. im talking about the trash that has 10 kids so that they dont have to work, and they come up to the counter with 3 or 4 carts full of "orange drink" and "grape drink" and their kids are running around in front of your cart screaming and they look at you like YOUR the a-hole...

Id MUCH rather be in Florida where they actually work and want to have a good life.. i dare you to live in springfield, MA>
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