Are illegal immigrants a BIG issue where you live?

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mom'sfolly :

I just want to make a small point. If you see someone shopping at Walmart or anywhere else you can't tell they are illegal immigrants or if they are immigrants at all. They are just brown people who are different than you. Any comments that make that kind of statement are racist, nothing else.

Last time I checked you can't tell someone's immigration status by the color of their skin, or there shopping habits.

Our borders are porous, and our companies employ illegal immigrants. Stop the job supply, stop the problem. Walmart, Tyson, large companies, small companies, big agriculture, meat packing, construction, all rely on foreign, often illegal labor.

is that like blaming me for leaving my keys in my car and having it stolen?,, its not the thief's fault, its the car owner.
BUT,, that said,, i think ANYONE that doesnt fill out the right forms when hiring someone,or just knowingly hires an illegal, should be punished as bad or worse then the illegal immigrant.
i've lived on BOTH borders, and when i talk about illegals, i mean every single person that crosses the border illegally.
i live where there are more latinos then there are white people,,,,, but i consider all of us americans,,,,and isnt ANYONE born here in the usa an american?but no,,, people want to feel special and be called "whatever" americans,,,,,,, if this country was built by a a "melting pot" of people, who came TOGETHER to become 1 nation,,,shouldnt we all be called americans??
when people say "mexican" they should be talking about a mexican national,when talking about an american that has spanish ancestry, they should be called "americans"
and who thinks every "brown skinned" person they see is an illegal? or cant speak english means their illegal? ( inconsiderate yes, not ALWAYS illegal)
and i think its funny how americans and others say we are so racist,,,,go to other countries ( out of the TOURIST areas) and see how WE are treated.,,go to mexico, cuba,africa,, see how your treated,, then, stand out in the middle of the street with a sign and cry bout it,,, what do ya think will happen? How many people in any other country. People that dont want to be stereotyped, shouldnt stereotype their "so called" opposition.
and HOW can these illegals have such a HIGH work ethic,, but not have any ethics on abiding by the laws??and work ethics dont define people,, i know alot of drunks and worthless souls that have a very HIGH work ethic, but socially and morally have NONE. and if the illegals dont like getting paid $1 a day,, then they should follow the law, because THEN we make sure they get paid a certain amount.,,(here comes the "well the farmers will only pay $1 or nothing at all",,),, well then that farmer will go hungry if his fields arent harvested or grow at all.and another farmer who abides by the law will come along, and hire people who can LAWFULLY work here.​
You are right - NO RESPECT....that is the heart of the problem we are all discussing - not race or nationality - NO RESPECT! As for those you mentioned - I think I would find a way to move outta that neighborhood!

My mom said she told her and the lady new what she was getting into. Her hubby is in the armed forces. They have ADT but that dont help much. Hopefully that place will turn around.

Army? Ft Bragg - probably figured they'd deal since they wouldn't be there long. Probably cant afford to go too far from base....God bless and protect them!
At least two of the three you mentioned were also blamed at one time or another as being un-wanted immigrants or not able to be patriotic due to war overseas (the other is just blamed for being stingy with their money!
No offense intended, my hubby is also Scottish). All to say that these issues have been going on forever in this country. The Irish, Italians, German, Chinese all faced these same sorts of complaints, that they'd come in and undercut the workforce.

I read a really good article about this recently. I'll have to see if I can dig it up.
My mom said she told her and the lady new what she was getting into. Her hubby is in the armed forces. They have ADT but that dont help much. Hopefully that place will turn around.

Army? Ft Bragg - probably figured they'd deal since they wouldn't be there long. Probably cant afford to go too far from base....God bless and protect them!

I will ask my mom. I think he is in iraq but I am not sure.
I know this guy on welfare, grew up with him really. He was always lazy (even as a kid,) never done a good day's work in his life, stole money from his own folks, he's 100 percent healthy, very smart, could get a job almost anywhere, and he sets around watchin TV all day and gets more from welfare a month than I make. Now you tell me that the system aint crooked.
mom'sfolly :

Stop the job supply, stop the problem. Walmart, Tyson, large companies, small companies, big agriculture, meat packing, construction, all rely on foreign, often illegal labor.

Great point! It isn't fair to complain away about a problem and then support the very infrastructure that perpetuates it.​
Illegal Immigrants do not qualify for Food Stamps or Financial Assistance. If you see someone using them they are legal residents. Of course some will argue this but if you research it and quit listening to people who have an imaginary ax to grind, you will see the truth. I wish some from other states could live one month down here on this border and see the violence and intimidation that goes on in Mexico. We have illegal immigrants from several countries, not just Mexico, why is Mexico being focused on so hard?
Food Stamps

The Food Stamp Program helps many low- income households buy the food they need to stay healthy, productive members of society. Food Stamps are simple to use when you purchase food products at your grocery store.

The Federal Government sets the rules for who qualifies for Food Stamps and determines the amount of Food Stamps that you can receive each month. The Human Services Department (HSD) will help you to determine whether or not you qualify for Food Stamps. This normally depends on how much money you earn each month, and it also depends on what you own.
Basic Food Stamp Rules

* You must have proper identification
* You must be a U.S. citizen or a qualified lawful resident
* You will have to list who lives and eats with you (your household)
* You will have to provide information about how much money your household receives each month
* You will have to provide information about what your household owns (property, bank accounts)
* You will have to provide information about what your household pays for things like rent, utilities and child care.
* Work program participation is required for some Food Stamp recipients
* The house you live in does not count for Food Stamp eligibility
* There are special rules for the cars and trucks you may own

Food Stamp Pre-Screening Tool

Find out if you could be eligible for Food Stamps benefits by using the USDA Pre-Screening Tool

* Click here for the Pre-Screening tool

This Pre-Screening Tool is not an application for Food Stamps

An application for Food Stamps must be made at your local ISD field office

* Click ISD Field Offices to find the office that serves your area.
I know this guy on welfare, grew up with him really. He was always lazy (even as a kid,) never done a good day's work in his life, stole money from his own folks, he's 100 percent healthy, very smart, could get a job almost anywhere, and he sets around watchin TV all day and gets more from welfare a month than I make. Now you tell me that the system aint crooked.

my point was, not all welfare recipients are like that stereotype.
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