Are illegal immigrants a BIG issue where you live?

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How is it that he can sit and watch tv and collect welfare?!! In my state, if you collect welfare, your butt is in their office working for the state 40+ hours a week (if you are getting cash) working with their one stop agency until you find work, unless you are under doctor's care and the doctor hasn't released you to work.

ETA: and even under Dr. care they make you show proof of attending all Dr. appts.
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How is it that he can sit and watch tv and collect welfare?!! In my state, if you collect welfare, your butt is in their office working for the state 40+ hours a week (if you are getting cash) working with their one stop agency until you find work, unless you are under doctor's care and the doctor hasn't released you to work.

Its easy to collect welfare in our state. My friends whole family dont work and they collect money and food stamps. I cant believe peoples tax money goes to a family like that. Dont forget that some people also do insurance fraud.
and how they "get around" the food stamp delima, is have the woman of the family legal, which makes all her kids legal, and then bring over the relatives kids.showing nothing other then forged birth certificates from their country,,,,,and YES i know this for a FACT,, im always trying to get my neighbors to take my kids and claim em,,hehe

i can walk down my street and show you people who are getting ALL the federal programs,, and are STILL here illegal.
I'll ask again. Does anyone have a reasonable explanation why they are so poor?

I think you are stereotyping. One could ask why are all rural Americans, or those living in Appalachia, or those living in the inner city so poor.

On a side but related note to the thread. Look at where your food comes from and who picks and processes it.
mom'sfolly :

Personally, I think that anyone who is foreign born and voluntarily serves in our military deserves automatic citizenship when their tour is up. I also think that those who complete PhDs or MDs in this country should be offered expedited citizenship. These are the kind of people we want to keep!

Button pushed.

I am entitled to health care from the VA (Veterans Administration, not Virginia). Most of the doctors I have had contact with in the local hospital do not speak English as their native language. It makes communication about health concerns very difficult. (Nothing to with citizenship, just another issue)​
Well I'll end my participation by saying I love my country, and I'm proud of it. I'm proud of New Mexico too, we have open-minded, open-hearted, people here who don't judge by your skin or where you came here from. The best suggestion I always have for people is that if you are not happy here, leave. I'm sure you would have no trouble gaining citizenship in another country, or learning the language of that country. What shame, narrow-mindness rules just too many people, and they tend to ruin their children too because they are brought up hearing the derogatory, racist, garbage being spewed from their elders. I'm just happy to see some on here are not that way, I'm proud of them too, for standing their ground.
Some people learn the loopholes and abuse the system - some people use SSN not belonging to them and don't declare their true income ... some people lie and have false documentation - I said SOME! Then, there are others who need it and can't get it because they don't know how or where to go....
Just to play "devil's advocate"....why didn't the "caucasians"/pilgrims learn to speak Cherokee, Navaho, etc??
Button pushed.

I am entitled to health care from the VA (Veterans Administration, not Virginia). Most of the doctors I have had contact with in the local hospital do not speak English as their native language. It makes communication about health concerns very difficult. (Nothing to with citizenship, just another issue)

O.K. issues about the VA are another thread altogether - don't get me on that soap box, I'll never get off !!
Button pushed.

I am entitled to health care from the VA (Veterans Administration, not Virginia). Most of the doctors I have had contact with in the local hospital do not speak English as their native language. It makes communication about health concerns very difficult. (Nothing to with citizenship, just another issue)

O.K. issues about the VA are another thread altogether - don't get me on that soap box, I'll never get off !!

I agree. It was the comment about expediting citizenship to those completing their PhD of MD in this country. We should be emphasizing education to citizens of the US first not necessarily encouraging coming to this country for an education.

Something comes to mind about "terrorists" being here on student visas. I don't have any particulars though.
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