Are Japanese beetles from traps ok or are they poisoned?


Apr 4, 2021
Well, I've been going around with a pan with a little cooking oil in it and knocking Japanese beetles into it - then when I get a bunch I sprinkle them in for the chickens. A friend of mine saw that I was doing it and said she's got 2 full bags of them in traps but her husband thought the beetles in the traps were poisoned? I'm wondering if anyone knows? I thought it was just pheromones to attract the beetles and then they fell into the bag? But maybe there is a poison in the bag?

Here's some interesting information.

I catch the :duc Japanese Beetles for my chickens similar to how you do it. When I say, "Bugs," they know what's coming and head for the door of the run!
Interesting! I asked my friend if her husband put something in the bag to poison them because if he didn't add anything I think they just get attracted to the pheromones and fall into the bag and then you'd have to kill them when you got rid of them.
When it comes to JBs, I am out for cold blooded revenge! They killed my hazelnut trees a few years ago when they were really bad. I didn't have chickens back then...
ok, my friend said nothing was added to the bag but she did spray her sunflowers with a pesticide... What do you all think? Should I get her bags of beetles and feed them to my chickens?
Well if they have been in contact with the sunflowers I'd give them a super good rinse first since most pesticides are contact killers not injestion killers.
Might want to find out exactly what she sprayed first to be on the safe side.:)
ok, my friend said nothing was added to the bag but she did spray her sunflowers with a pesticide... What do you all think? Should I get her bags of beetles and feed them to my chickens?
Well if they have been in contact with the sunflowers I'd give them a super good rinse first since most pesticides are contact killers not injestion killers.
Might want to find out exactly what she sprayed first to be on the safe side.:)
She screwed up spraying the sunflowers. Why would she do that? And no, nobody is rinsing the sunflowers off before the June bugs eat them.
This is the response from the company when I asked about feeding beetles from a trap.

Thank you for contacting Spectrum Brands Home & Garden Division.

Unfortunately you can not feed the insects to your chickens.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-800-332-5553.

Product Specialist
Spectrum Brands Home & Garden Division
Ph 1-800-332-5553

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