Are my ducks able to breed?

Mama Ducker

In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 17, 2013
Southern NH
I bought my ducks at a Dodges grain store, there were about 40-50 mallards in the bin and I bought 8. Out of the 8 I have 6 left 2 males 4 females I tried hatching 3 eggs in an incubator and they were doing good but didn't hatch in the end. After reading a few posts here and seeing that ducks coming from the same parents wont have viable eggs or they could have problems. Is this true? and if so how likely would it be that my six all had the same parents coming from the same hatchery on the same day?
They probably came from a hatchery if you got them at a feed store and it's very unlikely they had the same parents. It was probably something else that caused their death like too little/too much humidity in the beginning of the incubation. Did you crack the eggs open to look at the embryos? If you have problems in the future I would recommend doing that because that way you can see what went wrong.
That's what I thought too, thank you, All of my mallards look different so I thought there was no way they are all brothers and sisters. I didn't crack the eggs open bc I was afraid of the smell. They made it at least until lockdown day 25. I didn't know much about hatching and I do think they didn't get enough humidity in the beginning. I never added water until a few days before lockdown. Then it was up to 80%. After thinking about it and being disappointed with no hatchlings, I decided to let mother nature take its course and see if they will set on a clutch. If not, then its not meant to be :)

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