are my eggs ok? Got new chicks! come take a look at the video!


9 Years
May 2, 2010
Columbia, SC
They were rocking a few hours ago and now none of them are moving at all. Are they ok? It is day 2 of lockdown and I still have no pips. Is that normal?
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Nothing is wrong. Like Ms.Fuzzybutts said, they're just getting into position. It's hard work just like hatching so it's very normal for them to take breaks (sometimes really long ones) and start back up again later. The best thing you can do is sit on your hands, you're far more likely to cause problems then to solve them if you go mucking about in the bator just because you get impatient. Happy hatching and be sure to post pics when it's all done.
You're lucky you got to see them rock and, just wait and see, pippin will be starting soon, if not already. Have fun!
I guess Ill just have to wait.
Ive been up all night and im so tired.
My friend and I have been taking shifts on watching them and now im on the night/early morning shift.
Go to sleep and then you'll be nice and fresh when the little fuzzy butts pop out. It could be another 24 hours or more before there is any real action so you'll be better off getting some rest now. It's hard to do with the first batch, but there's not much you can do right now. Even if a few hatch overnight I'm sure some will make their grand entrance after you get up in the morning.
And even once they pip its usually 12-24 hours before they'll actually hatch. If they haven't pipped, its unlikely you'll miss it by going to sleep. I've had a few that do pip then zip right away, but most take a good long break once they've pipped.
Im starting to get very worried. Still, none have piped. They arnt even moving any more. It has been about 12 hrs since I have last seen one move.
I still say no worry, NO WORRY. Especially since lock down was just on Sunday.

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