Are My Free Rangers Getting All They Need?

Jenna McKay

5 Years
Feb 23, 2014
We only have two Ameraucanas and one Orpington, who free range about three to five hours a day in our yard. In addition to their feed and snacking in ALL of our four garden beds, should I be giving them anything else to eat? I'm filling their feeder every two days, so it seems like they're getting more than enough from destroying our yard, ha! Oh, and they're all just 8 weeks old.
I'm feeding them Nutrena Country Feeds, Poultry Feed. Is there a good organic feed that anyone can recommend?
Right now they can go to grower feed if you were feeding starter. Or if it is starter/grower they need to stay on that until around 20 weeks or point of lay.

I buy the Rogue Organic feed from Azurestandard but you have to place a large order with them. I mix in grains/seeds to kind of make my own but I use the organic chick starter as a base. I also buy org. layer pellets for the layers to mix in.

Modesto Milling is in CA but I haven't ordered from them.

You should check your feed stores to see what they can special order for you if they don't carry organic starter/grower! That way it will probably be cheaper.

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