Are my hens done?


9 Years
Aug 3, 2012
They are 5 years old. Only 1 out of 7 hens laid any eggs over the summer, and that one has stopped laying about a month ago. I've noticed that they usually have decreased egg production during the hot summer months, but never a complete shutdown.

I'm thinking about trying some artificial lighting, but I'd rather not have my three roosters start crowing at 4 a.m. (more on that later). I'd rather extend the day into the evening. However, I have a light activated Pull-it Shut door to consider, and a light on a timer wouldn't work because they need time to go to roost before it's pitch black.

My questions are:

Are 5 year old hens basically barren? Do you think extra light would help? Is there an exterior light source that gradually dims to simulate sunset?
What breed are they?
Not sure lights will help...but thinks @GC-Raptor has a light system that simulates sunset.

Two Easter eggers, two buff orpingtons, two cuckoo marans, and one 8 year old black-sex linked. She's the matriarch, survivor of my first flock.
I only add lights in the morning at 5 am year round to stimulate laying. I open the coops and turn the lights on.

I turn off lights outside after sunrise and the bright lights inside an hour before sunset, when I let them free range.
A nightlight shines enough light on the feeder and waterer to get that last bite and find the roosts.

I turn off the nightlight when I lockup the coops after sunset.

I don't know if your hens are done with laying. But you could try lights. GC

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