Are my poults miserable?


14 Years
Jun 11, 2008
Poplar Grove, IL
I have three Narragansett poults that are about 2 months old. They "peep peep peep" almost all the time! I can hear them across the yard and through the house! Are three poults too few?

They have always had food and water 24/7. Game bird starter for about the first month, then slowly switched them to Flock Raiser. After they finally went outside they were together in a 4' x 8' chicken tractor with a heat lamp. Now they are with the 4 1/2 month old pullets and cockerals (about 12 altogether including the three poults). They still have food/water/access to an outside shaded yard and inside run 24/7. They are still "peep peep peeping" almost all the time!

They are growing well, feathers look good, I can't find any mites. They fly very well!

Is it just the nature of poults to "peep peep peep" almost all the time?
Mine are very noisy as well. I always know where they are.
My BBB's are very vocal, either making a soft "brpppppp", sharp "cuts", and standard loud "yelps". The first and last noises are usually associated with being calm, pleased, or wanting attention. The "cuts" usually are alarms or displeasure, at least with mine.

Are their noises loud or relatively quiet? Also, I only have two birds, but they seem quite content with the chickens as buds.
Thanks for all the info on poult peeping

They were out in the yard this afternoon making a variety of interesting happy sounds. I guess they are just peeping for attention or the old "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence".

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