Are my RIR's pullets?

The genders are definite, they are cut and dry looking, sorry
Thanks again everyone. I have one more RIR that wasn't in the picture. I believe it's a pullet because it has a very small comb and looks like the other 2 that everyone thinks are pullets. I will be watching and listening to all of them closely for signs of roos. I'm so attached to them already.

Awww there is the problem. Tractor Supply!!! We bought 12 RIR from TS that were supposed to be straight run (at least that is what they told us). All 12 were roos. I don't buy there anymore, and it may just be the TS where I live, but I do feel for ya.
Awww there is the problem. Tractor Supply!!! We bought 12 RIR from TS that were supposed to be straight run (at least that is what they told us). All 12 were roos. I don't buy there anymore, and it may just be the TS where I live, but I do feel for ya.

You can pretty much be assured when you buy STRAIGHT RUN chicks from a hatchery that nearly ALL are going to be males. I believe it's their way of getting rid of those extra male chicks. To me, straight run really means cockerels.

And I agree with the others, P-K-P-K-K (p for pullet, k for cockerel)
With production RRIs it is very difficult to sex by comb and wattles. I would love to see a view of their bodies. At their age it would be much easier to sex by feather type and color pattern. I would not venture a guess based on the head shot provided.
Hey Nance! Just wondering what gender your RIRs turned out to be? I just got 4 RIR chicks and they all look like boys to me!!! Is it true that even girls can have large and pink comb? Thanksss!
well i know that i have gotten striaght run at TSC or anywhere else and always try to pick out chicks just not let them fill a box
so with me picking hens and anyone else tring to do the same the odds are stacked agianst the last guy in line that says give me 6
i end up with 75 % hen if i am picking
so by all rights its not the hatchery sending all males its people getting lucky and picking hens

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