Are Rhode island reds aggressive?


5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
What are you thoughts?
Are they aggressive with Buff Orpingtons and Barred rocks?
Thinking of adding a few to our flock.
I have all three of those breeds and while I can say the(prod) RIR's are bossy,The Barred Rocks are bossier!
,Buff Orps are very quiet and gentle,in my flock the Barred rocks are over my(prod) RIR,and my(prod) RIR is over my Buffs!my(prod) RIR Rhoda is a little dominant,with people and chickens!you have to correct them early and establish good behavior.
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The farm I help on has RIR Leghorn and BR together they all get along well. The RIR are the dirst to greet me when I go to feed them. They all are lije a giant swarm when I do get in to feed them.

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