Are Rhode Island Reds Considered A Heavy Breed?


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Southern California
Are they? I ordered a brown egg special from welp hatchery and they are now 3 weeks old. I think they gave us a lot of Rhode Island Reds, so I've been trying to learn more about them. Are they good at laying? Are they tame and docile? Are they mean? What is their personality in general? Do you recommend this breed? Any answers would be nice!!!

Rhode Island Reds are great layer's of Large brown eggs.Hatchery one's are not as big as breeder stock but they are considered a heavy breed.You can get a bad strain in anything but they are generally very good in temperment.You should enjoy lot's of large brown egg's.
I have RIR's and they are great chickens. Two of them are 6 years old, still laying eggs, although they have slowed down. Then I have 2 that are now 7 months and are laying eggs everyday right now, and two that are just over 5 months and not laying yet.
I have 2 RIR hens and 1 roo. He's not mean like some say they can be and the girls are warming up to me, they dont like to be held but they are ok about being around me. I think both are laying nearly daily and are about 7 months old. I dont know about being heavy, my EE's are larger. I do know that RIR are supposed to tollerate cold weather very well.

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