Are salmon faverolles fragile?

mine are from shipped eggs; 40% hatch under 2 broodies; one hatched 4 out of 7, the other was less experienced and had some competition/interference from other hens and only hatched 2 out of 8.
They took them all out to freerange on day 3, and slept outside in a tractor. We had a freeze that week and they were fine. One chick never grew after about 5 days, and died around day 9.
We had a slightly younger marans chick from incubator eggs, who was adopted into the group. She didn't survive the cold night. =\\
Last March I ordered 25 chicks from Cackle H. ,a mixture of EE's , Black Australorps ,and 5 Salmon Faverolles. One chick was DOA and 2 more died a few days later and they all ended up being the Salmon Faverolles. I am planning to get a few more because they are just as sweet as they can be and I find them to be pretty tough past the chick stage. We have had 100 degree summer days and 18 degree winter nights several in a row never getting above freezing for 3 to 4 days. They never complained at all unless I would show up a little late with some scratch. They have a little different language than all my other chickens so I figure it must be French. They are lots of fun to listen to especially when they begin to lay for that is when I hear the most French.

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