Are there anyways to deter foxes?

Electric fencing, and/ or dogs.
Shooting a critter with a pellet gun or BB gun is considered animal abuse many places, it causes injuries, pain, and infections, not good.
Many of us don't have good areas where it's safe to use projectile weapon, with neighbors, the road, and our own animals in the field of fire. When possible, a 22 is effective, although it makes more sense to have electric fencing (if legal) and a dog or two.
Foxes are smart and hard to live trap, and should only happen if you plan to then shoot.
eletric fencing would work like i said i would almost nvr shoot at it unless it was killing my chickens in the moment like if a fox was in the coop killing my chickens ima shoot a pellet at it but if its just roaming around i could nvr just shoot it
Electric fencing, and/ or dogs.
Shooting a critter with a pellet gun or BB gun is considered animal abuse many places, it causes injuries, pain, and infections, not good.
Many of us don't have good areas where it's safe to use projectile weapon, with neighbors, the road, and our own animals in the field of fire. When possible, a 22 is effective, although it makes more sense to have electric fencing (if legal) and a dog or two.
Foxes are smart and hard to live trap, and should only happen if you plan to then shoot.
we have two ausstrailan shepards the dogs scare them away if there outside the dogs are for herding sheep for wool not meat i dont have any animals I kill
Electric fencing, and/ or dogs.
Shooting a critter with a pellet gun or BB gun is considered animal abuse many places, it causes injuries, pain, and infections, not good.
Many of us don't have good areas where it's safe to use projectile weapon, with neighbors, the road, and our own animals in the field of fire. When possible, a 22 is effective, although it makes more sense to have electric fencing (if legal) and a dog or two.
Foxes are smart and hard to live trap, and should only happen if you plan to then shoot.
And its not illegal or animal abuse to shoot a fox with a rifle if its destroying or damaging property outside of its season

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