Are there anyways to deter foxes?

We free ranged our flock peacefully for 2 years, closing them up securely at night. Then last summer we had 3 different foxes taking our hens and young birds during the day. Inside of a week we lost half our chickens. We immediately installed electrified poultry netting with a 2 joule energizer and haven't lost a bird since, despite only one of the three foxes being taken care of.
Are there anyways to deter foxes. Has it worked for you? If so whats it called?
I never had a fox problem when I kept a Dingo as a pet. The reason I have heard, is that they are mortal enemies and dingo scat, placed around the property deters them. I stopped seeing their eyes at night etc. The foxes disappeared for years!
A dog is the easiest answer. Foxes will stay way just form its smell.

Secure the coop for the night. I have a thick wire mesh on the outside of the wooden door and windows, nothing can chew through it.

Also, people! If you live in an area with nearby neighbors most foxes will avoid it during the day. Too much activity, noise, too many dogs.
Every year, I lost 4 birds in early Jan. and Feb. until we finally installed the fence in the back (the only portion NOT fenced). I would usually find 1 bird gone, and 1 dead bird left with long scratch marks, 3 marks side by side. Also, got a German Shepherd. Between the 2, no more bird losses. She doesn't stay out with the girls all the time, but she takes a territory run in the back most days and leaves her scent. GS alerts us when she senses a threat so we both beat it outdoors to make our presence known.

Sorry you're losing birds--it is very frustrating. But, it is wonderful to know you finally have a system that works to protect the flock.
i was under the impression that a fox could climb over a fence or at least dig under? my dog is great deterrent but spends most of her time inside our house. so when i brush her i save the fur and i also take the hair from cleaning my own hairbrush out to twist little bunches of it into the chain link fencing all around . i even ask my adult children to save their dogs fur and bring it here for same reason, to deter foxes.
I was just askin if it became a big problem for what rifle srry. I have a bb gun would that work to if I dont need to kill it.
If you don’t kill them, they will just keep returning. You may scare it away for a few nights but it will return!

As for the caliber of rifle, my preference for small varmits is a .22 LR will a high quality hollow point round.
There are always more where they came from, so killing them doesn't solve the problem. Enjoy the amazing wildlife in your area and get a fence. A fence inside of a fence is even better. Premier1 electric poultry netting is great for large areas.
I keep seeing people post this same thing comment. However, I live in an area that is rural but teeming with fox & other predatory critters. The amount that I have in my area is very marginal & even slim because I eliminate the problem as soon as I can. I almost never see fox or opossum any more.

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