Are these bumbles healing, or getting worse? Opinions?


8 Years
Jul 26, 2014
Hey guys! This is my first time dealing with and treating bumblefoot. I've only been at it one week and am doing the best I can with what I have access to at the moment (antibiotics and even antibiotic ointment are not available here in Sweden, they are heavily controlled substances here). My mother is sending me some antibiotic ointment through the mail from the US though, it should be here in a few days. ;)

So for now I am cleaning them with Nolvasan (chlorhexidine) and soaking her feet in epsom salt water twice a day. They have also been moved into my new duck yard I just finished building that is covered in nice grass. I believe these bumbles were caused by their old yard which is mostly compact dirt now. I keep her yard and house as clean and free of feces as possible. I was advised by my Vet friend back in the US that I should not try to cut out the gunk in the middle of the bumbles just yet as that is a last resort if soaking and treating topically does not work. She said cutting into them will often irritate them and prevent healing and possibly make them worse.

So my question is, do you think these look better or worse after one week of treatment? I can't decide. I've sent the pics to my Vet friend, but it's always a day delay when getting responses due to time differences and her working hours. Just wondered if I could get more opinions as I want to do everything possible for my girl (neither of my other two ducks has any bumbles, so it's just this one).

First pic is right foot last Friday, second pic is same foot today:

Again, first pic is her left foot last friday, second is the foot today:

Thanks for any help! ^-^
I've personally never had experience with bumbles, but there are other threads you can check out that have more information on them. also maybe try contacting.... @Miss Lydia
Hey guys! This is my first time dealing with and treating bumblefoot. I've only been at it one week and am doing the best I can with what I have access to at the moment (antibiotics and even antibiotic ointment are not available here in Sweden, they are heavily controlled substances here). My mother is sending me some antibiotic ointment through the mail from the US though, it should be here in a few days. ;) So for now I am cleaning them with Nolvasan (chlorhexidine) and soaking her feet in epsom salt water twice a day. They have also been moved into my new duck yard I just finished building that is covered in nice grass. I believe these bumbles were caused by their old yard which is mostly compact dirt now. I keep her yard and house as clean and free of feces as possible. I was advised by my Vet friend back in the US that I should not try to cut out the gunk in the middle of the bumbles just yet as that is a last resort if soaking and treating topically does not work. She said cutting into them will often irritate them and prevent healing and possibly make them worse. So my question is, do you think these look better or worse after one week of treatment? I can't decide. I've sent the pics to my Vet friend, but it's always a day delay when getting responses due to time differences and her working hours. Just wondered if I could get more opinions as I want to do everything possible for my girl (neither of my other two ducks has any bumbles, so it's just this one). First pic is right foot last Friday, second pic is same foot today: Again, first pic is her left foot last friday, second is the foot today: Thanks for any help! ^-^
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