Are these good breeds?

Yard Farmer

🇺🇸 John 8:36 🇺🇸
Premium Feather Member
Jan 5, 2022
The Wild West!
Hello BYC people!

I have a question concerning these breeds... FBCM, (or bbs marans.) SS and white leghorns.

1. What is your experience with them?

2. Were you pleased with their egg production?

3. Do they brood? (I know LH are not known to brood.)

4. Or, what breeds would you recommend? I need a hardy bird for cold Utah winters and hot summers, good temperament and good egg laying.

I'd love to hear your input. Pics and tips also appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

~Yard farmer~
I had one French Black Copper Marans once. She was a staggered layer of chocolate brown eggs.
She once had a stuck shell-less eggs that broke inside her. All I could do was give her extra calcium, & allow her to pass the egg material.

The summer of last year she randomly died from a heart attack. She was almost 1 year old.
I had one French Black Copper Marans once. She was a staggered layer of chocolate brown eggs.
She once had a stuck shell-less eggs that broke inside her. All I could do was give her extra calcium, & allow her to pass the egg material.

The summer of last year she randomly died from a heart attack. She was almost 1 year old.
How many eggs per week? 4/7 Or worse?

Interesting, I wonder why she died that way.
So, would you get another Marans or no?
Sorry for your loss.
I've had both SS and Leghorns. Leghorns are known to be among the best layers. SS are up there in the egg production as well. Both breeds have good personalities, though the Leghorn was flighty. Neither one of these breeds are broody.
I've only had White Leghorns.
Their egg production was great until they were probably around 3 I think. They were very flighty and never went broody once. The only thing with them and other production breeds is that they are prone to reproduction issues. Two out of the three I had got reproduction issues and passed. If you want them for eggs then get them, if they're more as pets I wouldn't.
I know I'm not going to get them again.
Hello BYC people!

I have a question concerning these breeds... FBCM, (or bbs marans.) SS and white leghorns.

1. What is your experience with them?

2. Were you pleased with their egg production?

3. Do they brood? (I know LH are not known to brood.)

4. Or, what breeds would you recommend? I need a hardy bird for cold Utah winters and hot summers, good temperament and good egg laying.

I'd love to hear your input. Pics and tips also appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

~Yard farmer~
I've had white leghorns and FBCMs. I loved my FBCMS (I had 3) none of them ever went broody though. But they were really nice and friendly. White leghorns are okayish...they lay really good...but they are so flighty!
I've had both SS and Leghorns. Leghorns are known to be among the best layers. SS are up there in the egg production as well. Both breeds have good personalities, though the Leghorn was flighty. Neither one of these breeds are broody.
Thank you for your input!
That is exactly what I needed.

Oh, one more thing. How do they do in the cold?

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