Are these weeds safe?

TX Chick Noob

DH says I'm obsessed with my chickens 😂
I have a lot of these growing in my pasture and could feed some to the girls if they are safe. I don't know what they are.
Silverleaf Nightshade

Your birds will avoid it unless they are starving and have no choice, so don't panic. DO remove it.

Before it goes to seed. Or it will be much worse next year.

The top picture I can't identify. It resembles a number of different plants in my pasture, none of which are concerning in small quantity, but none of which have much benefit/value either.

That said, I am terrible with plant ID - I use an App.
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It looks a bit like orange vervain, and a bit like nettleleaf goosefoof. If you pull some pics up on the internet, then go out there and brush the leaf clutter, grass, etc away so you can see the base of the plant, you might have a little more success in identifying it.
The second one is Silverleaf Nightshade, I think. It contains a toxin called solanine. You would do well to get rid of it, IMO.

Edit to add: could also be horsenettle or one of the other similar nettles, all of which are nightshades

Edit #2, just saw that @U_Stormcrow already identified that one. I'm a slow typer. Seems we agree though. :thumbsup
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For the first picture, I'd be more sure of what it could be once it flowers or bolts or whatever it's going to do. Tried my plant app on it and of the options it gave me, I'd say Annual Marsh Elder is most likely, but I'm not sure.
The second one is Silverleaf Nightshade, I think. It contains a toxin called solanine. You would do well to get rid of it, IMO.

Edit to add: could also be horsenettle or one of the other similar nettles, all of which are nightshades

Edit #2, just saw that @U_Stormcrow already identified that one. I'm a slow typer. Seems we agree though. :thumbsup
I have a lot of american nightshade. I may be plant ignorant, but I've ripped so much out of my acres that the moment I saw the leaves, I knew what family to hunt down. (Helps that the flowers are VERY distinct)
I have a lot of american nightshade. I may be plant ignorant, but I've ripped so much out of my acres that the moment I saw the leaves, I knew what family to hunt down. (Helps that the flowers are VERY distinct)
Yes, for sure! They're actually very pretty, I think, like so many invasive and unhelpful-to-us plants.

I knew next to nothing about plants when we bought our property. Bought a plant app and walked the property every month or so for that first year and have learned a lot from that with still much to learn. It seems to be ever changing. The worst one we've got springing up everywhere the last few years is poison hemlock. Can't pull it with bare hands, can't burn it, and it's everywhere.

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