it is too early to till with rouens and mallards at that stage, they will look like females for another couple weeks the you will start to see some green on the heads that will be a male, or listen to there talking the males will be grasp sound and females will have a quack quack sound, hard to make that sound, when typing lol
mine are 7-8 weeks old and i can now just till i got a pair
now some people seem to think that a bill color orange is a female and the green color look is a male, and that was true for the last 2 times i;ve raise rouens but some people says it is not, time will till though, how old are they?
if u had ducks before, u should be able to till the difference between the sounds if not then the male is a deeper voice ones and females are squeaky sounding be my guess in another 2 weeks or so u hear the difference clear
This is my first for ducks..... and chickens.... and rabbits.... We have 6 Silkies (grown), 18 Red Pullets (not yet laying), 2 mallards, and 2 New Zealand/California rabbits. I dove in head first to the farming business lol. I have noticed a difference in their voices. Maybe I have a pair which would be awesome because they are inseparable! They will cry for each other if they are not close.
More pics from different angles / lighting would help, but I'd agree it's kinda early. +1 on listening for their voice. Watch some videos online and watch which sex makes which noise. It's hard to explain animal noises, especially through writing.
It'd be good to know their sex because if you've got a male and a female you're gonna want some more hens for that drake. I remember at one point I had 3 drakes to 5 hens and it was pretty intense.
i have had many of my birds in pairs and i still do on some, it is ok to have 1 drake for up to 4-5 ducks, but if u have 2 or more drakes u need to make sure they have plenty ducks otherwise they get to rough on a few