Are Turkeys noisey?

Our Bronze trio was loud. Any loud noise, or no noise at all and the hens would be going 'yelk yelk yelk yelk!" and then the tom "GOOBBLE GOOBLE GOOBLLE!" Didnt bother us any but people would more than likely get annoyed in a setting where you think the neighbors would mind. Least that's my theory on it. I personally think chickens (and even roos) are no where near as loud as turkeys lol.

and the most noisiest fowl? Guineas! LOL!
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Yes, mine are "attack" birds (
), and they alert me to strangers. Also, they like me to wake up early in the morning, so they chirp loudly. Or they call to each other just for fun throughout the day. Luckily I live on a 40-acre farm so it bothers no one else.

By the way, I listen to their various sounds occasionally out the window and it tells me what's up -- is their danger? or are they contentedly chirping? I don't have too much gobbling -- my loudest ones are my hens --always talking to their babies, even though their babies are 3-month-old big guys now.
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I guess I'm lucky. I have about 17 of them and they are some of the quietest birds I have, besides the emu and pheasants. They will gobble on occasion, but not often. They mostly just do their cheeps and urks. I have a lot of young Toms and some older ones and some young and older hens. Burbons,Jersey, Narg, Royals and a Blue Slate mix that is about the friendliest turkey you could ever find. Try carrying a 25 pound hen around all day because she is jealous!
I have peafowl that are pretty quite until breeding season hits too.

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