Are "vegetables and fruits" good food for my chickens?


6 Years
Oct 26, 2013
Hi people
When I go to buy vegetables and fruits from the store I ask the owner up there to give me some mature vegetables or fruits that he can't sell but still edible !!
Is it a good food supply for my chickens? What should I ask him to give me?I mean what chickens do prefer the most?

Best regards :) thank you
Veggies and fruits are excellent chicken food, provided they are not infested or moldy. IME, the favourites are:


But just about anything goes. My chickens won't touch citrus fruits, however. Lots of greens like grass and celery are great for their health, so make sure they get plenty especially if they are confined to a run like mine are. They seem to love moist and watery foods like watermelon, but too much obviously causes loose bowel
(so go easy on melons). A little minced garlic is good for their health too. I hang the fruit and veggies in one of those hanging plant baskets to keep it clean and out of the dirt.

Hope this helps.
Thank you genius !!
I will do by your instructions Inshalla ...
Today I will pick the best I can find there!
I'll keep it clean from dirt too
I really feel so good because I found such a realible information, it's very important to be sure that the checkens are getting all elemnts their bodys need
Is it best to keep the food off the floor when you feed them? the chickens i feed take food out the bowl and then eat it off the floor.
Chickens are made to eat off the ground. Feeders are human ideas.

Pretty much any fruit/veggie is good for chickens. Individual birds may not like different things, but I toss all leftovers/kitchen waste to the flock, except onion peels cause they just won't eat them.
Vegetables, fruits and scraps are pretty much harmless to chickens. They don't need their food kept clean. They'll virtually eat anything, the problem is just keeping them away from what they shouldn't eat. Although avocado isn't supposed to be healthy for them, I've never given it to them, and wouldn't know.

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