Are we sure the float test works?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 28, 2012
Springtown, Texas
I am on day 24 and had a few sinkers. So I began to dissect the first egg to see what went wrong. The chick is still alive breathing, (no peeping just body showing breaths of air). Now I have a half opened egg with the chick looking to be 2 days out from hatching laying in the incubator. I doubt it will make it but am keeping an eye on it until it either dies or finish hatch. I put the rest of the sinkers back into the incubator.
On day 22 and 23 a total of 13 hatched and are doing great in the brooder. Today is 24 and decided to do the float test the rest. 23 eggs are still to be hatched with 3 being sinkers and 20 being bobbers. The first of the three sinkers proven to be alive during the dissection and died soon after. I put the other sinkers back in the incubator hoping that they will hatch by tomorrow.

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