Are you from a small town? :)

The Chicken Lady

Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Apr 21, 2008
West Michigan
Small town problems!! Our local newspaper is running a contest to feature one school's prom with an article and photos in the paper.

The students at the school where I teach would LOVE to have their prom featured in the newspaper, but we are a small school and of course we don't have the manpower that the bigger schools have. We are currently in third place I believe, and this is with a LOT of effort. Our biggest rivals are winning and it's killing them. :(

Maybe you're from a small town or a small school and totally understand what it's like. I figured I would call in a little BYC power to help out my students.

If you wouldn't mind going to this site and voting for Godfrey-Lee High School, I would totally appreciate it! Voting will last until Thursday, April 23, at noon EST. You can vote once per hour (this teacher may be guilty of voting so much that she got temporarily blocked from things I do for my kids!).

Here's the link! You don't need to register. Just vote and submit. Thank you in advance!
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Small town problems!! Our local newspaper is running a contest to feature one school's prom with an article and photos in the paper.

The students at the school where I teach would LOVE to have their prom featured in the newspaper, but we are a small school and of course we don't have the manpower that the bigger schools have. We are currently in third place I believe, and this is with a LOT of effort. Our biggest rivals are winning and it's killing them. :(

Maybe you're from a small town or a small school and totally understand what it's like. I figured I would call in a little BYC power to help out my students.

If you wouldn't mind going to this site and voting for Godfrey-Lee High School, I would totally appreciate it! Voting will last until Thursday, April 23, at noon EST. You can vote once per hour (this teacher may be guilty of voting so much that she got temporarily blocked from things I do for my kids!).

Here's the link! You don't need to register. Just vote and submit. Thank you in advance!
I would say a population of 970 qualifies as a small town (my hometown), lol, so I'll be glad to help - voted!
I really appreciate it, you guys! I don't think any of the other schools have "BYC Power" available to them!!
Just voted....looks like Godfrey- Lee is now in first place. I live in a small town too. Our town is so small there is no house to house mail delivery - we all go to the post office to pick up mail. We have no stoplight (truth be told there are only 2 stoplights in the entire county), no bank, no grocery store, and it's not unusual to see kids riding horses down the sidewalk. I should also mention that just a few streets have sidewalks.

Edited to add: In the time it took me to post this, Godfrey-Lee dropped back to 2nd with 23.7 C'mon folks - time for some POULTRY POWER!
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Wow, thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :) We have until noon on Thursday (EST) to build a strong lead. My students will be so excited to hear this!
Just voted....looks like Godfrey- Lee is now in first place. I live in a small town too. Our town is so small there is no house to house mail delivery - we all go to the post office to pick up mail. We have no stoplight (truth be told there are only 2 stoplights in the entire county), no bank, no grocery store, and it's not unusual to see kids riding horses down the sidewalk. I should also mention that just a few streets have sidewalks.

Wow, your town sounds MUCH smaller than ours! I love the idea of riding horses around town. Unfortunately, we're not small enough to do that here! :)
Did it twice yesterday and once just now. I see you are up to 23.37. I don't think enough people are seeing you on this thread. Can you also post on threads with a bigger audience?

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