Are you kidding me?! Drano requires ID!

But didn't they tell you? It is for our own good. "They" are protecting us from our own feeble selves.
Yes, its used to make drugs..
I dont mind the IDing... if it makes it harder for these sickos to make their drugs...
It makes it harder to get the ingredients....
Of course they'll ALWAYS be able to get the ingredients.. but it does make it harder for them sometimes...
They would have to have several different people shop for them... in several different store/towns...
But yeah, they'll still be able to het what they need eventually...
The only thing that would actually make a dent in drug crime is to actually punish the cookers/druggies/traffickers. Unfortunately, they just usually process them ASAP and release them.
I dont mind the IDing... if it makes it harder for these sickos to make their drugs...

Because criminally-inclined folks will stop and mind the new law ... sorry, this really irks me. Just what exactly are they carding for, anyway? To make sure the purchaser is over 18 and a legal adult? Or are they keeping a list of who buys this stuff?

And at what point did the whole "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" concept get thrown out the window?
Just where is the line between "for our collective good" becomes "too (*bleep!*) nosy and intrusive"? Are the law-makers going to decide they need to come wipe my backside for me next?

Buying Drano, or another lye-containing product, does not make me criminally-inclined. It might mean I want to try making homemade soap ... or just that my drains in my older house are slow. Buying Sudafed does not make me criminally-inclined either ... it means my sinuses are congested again, and Sudafed (the real stuff) works the best on a chronic problem I've had since breathing the talc-fine sand south of Baghdad.

We've become "The land of the regulated and the home of the SCARED" in my lifetime, and I am scratching my head wondering just how this happened.

(note: I am not singly any one specific person out, but am very much targeting the concept quoted, which I keep hearing in response to objections to all these encroachments and intrusions.)​
No, like i said.. it just makes it somewhat more difficult for them to get the "ingredients" to make the drugs.. but it wont stop them at all...

And yes, they do keep lists of people buying in large quanties.. ..

But thats when they just get other people to go buy for them .. but eh, at least its a step in the right direction..
What they really need is MUCH more harsher jail times for these buttholes...
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What cracks me up is the meth production and distribution remains unchecked in Sacramento county due to "budget cuts", and they couldn't do anything about the meth dealers on our street when we lived in Sacramento (we were CONSTANTLY calling the police over the meth houses, the street dealers that stood in front of our house, the prostitutes, the gang bangers, you name it). However, I noticed Sacramento suddenly had PLLEEEENNNNTYYY of officers available to "handle" the Occupy protestors camping in Cesar Chavez Park in downtown Sacramento.

Really, Sacramento?

Part of the issue is law enforcement having incorrect priorities. If they would concentrate cops in the meth neighborhoods ONCE A YEAR like they did at the Occupy camps, do you know what that would do to the meth production and sales? It would certainly send a different message than the one currently being sent that says, "Your crimes and the havoc they wreak on your neighbors are not important enough for us to come out and arrest you." They get away with it day after day after day.

If law enforcement got their priorities straightened around, we might actually live in a world where honest folks like you and I wouldn't have to show our ID and get on a list to get Sudafed when we have a cold or Drano to clean out the pipes.

I know, I'm dreaming.

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