Are you Peking kidding me?

Sounds like they get plenty of food out of the pond which may be why they aren’t going after what you throw them

May need to find that one treat they can’t resist

for my pekin ducks it’s blueberries. They go nuts for blueberries and will run wherever I toss some.

my female pekin is a bully and is very territorial
I don’t know if it’s normal duck behavior but what your female is doing with your chickens, mine did with the other 2 ducks we introduced to the duck pen.
I put up a partition with chicken fencing to separate the groups of ducks and after about a week she calmed down and for the most part leaves them alone now. So if you can get the ducks in with your chickens and can partition them off for a week or so, she may calm down around them a bit
My ducks are smart but sometimes do stupid things. But the crack me up. And I would try to take them for the eggs. Pekin eggs are delicious and are big. They are great to eat on their own and to cook/bake with
Pump and filter
Do you have an external pump filtration system? Would you mind sharing that with me?
I have been trying to build/buy one that would make my life a bit easier. So far I have come across very complicated ones (and I gave up) so that I still empty the pool about every 5 days (not efficient with our water shortage in CA). Thanks
One of my females is basically the "guard duck" at my house. She chases the chickens if they're out of their pen, and if any other bird lands in my yard she'll charge at it. My other female and the two boys are a lot more chill about other birds being in the yard. I'm not sure what the difference is, might just be a personality thing.

I have seen her chase squirrels which is, I have to admit, is hilariously funny to watch. She pretty much ignores birds and all of the other chickens.
So this morning when I went out at 6 AM to open up the coop for the morning. Ducks sounded the "alarm" like they do every morning. I had placed that pie pan of zucchini close to the gate to the chicken yard so I glanced at it when I entered the yard this morning. Not touched. Then around 8:30 this morning, I went back out to feed everyone (horses, goats, chickens, ducks, yadda yadda...) and noticed that the ducks were suspiciously close to the pie pan. I walked passed it towards the barn (as the ducks bolted in the opposite direction) and noticed that SOME of the zucchini has been eaten and all of the water was gone out of it. I quietly added some more water to it so, provided the horses don't see it and eat it, we'll see if they eat any more of it later today....

I know they do like kale so I thought I'd grab some today at the store. Maybe grab some blueberries too since someone mentioned that....

On a side note, when do ducks start laying? I put an old nesting box in a quiet, shady spot where the ducks like the rest along the fence row. I thought MAYBE the female might choose to lay there. Since she won't go in the duck house, I'm not sure where she is going to choose to lay once she starts. I am building a new 8' x 10' chicken coop. With this new addition, I'll actually have THREE coops in the chicken yard. If I can entice the ducks to enter, maybe they will pick one and stay there for the winter.

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