Arizona Chickens

No, not that I'm aware of as the coop is totally dark once the sun goes down. And cats are no bueno for me because of allergies. I'm still open to suggestions. Keep 'em coming!!!
Hey guys,
I'm down south of Tucson. All of my girls appear to be happy, eating and drinking in the heat, but I'm seriously getting like a couple of eggs a week out of like 6 hens. My easter eggers have quit altogether and my australorps are the only ones giving me an egg, but only on occasion.

Is it just too dang hot? Maybe I should put out some vitamin water.

How are your girls doing?
I am still getting 5 eggs a day, the girls seem to be holding up really well in all this heat. This is my first summer raising chickens in the desert. I have learned so much from all the BYC members. Thanks to all.

My hunch was right - HE started crowing a couple days ago. Thank goodness he is still so young - his crows are quieter than my hens squawking. I sold all my other roos on craigslist a few weeks ago - it's his turn now.
Thanks for the suggestion, geckos sure are cool, but I think the chances are slim on them sticking around long enough to do some damage. My next thought was to set up a flood light for a couple of hours at night in the hopes that that would provide enough light to encourage my girls to get active and score some nice midnight snacks prior to hitting the hay...errr pine shavings.
Anyhow, once I can track down a flood light, I'll let you all know how it goes. Thanks again for the support and advice.

I'll be sending my comments in tomorrow. I think that we should plan some sort of a meet-up for Mesa BYC people, so that we can plan for how to approach the city council on this issue, when it does come up for a vote. Turn out for municipal elections is very, very low, and *any* bloc of voters who have a strong opinion on an issue is likely to get the city managers attention.
I think that in our letters, we should also make the point that nationally, the trend is to *allow* people to keep urban chickens, and that many cities are changing their laws to allow chickens, so why should Mesa take a step back.
I lived in Mesa for 35 years. I think that is going to far. I already sent in my comment. Yes, you should go to the meetings. The best way to get their attention. Get the newspaper involved as well as the TV stations.
that is utterly amazing! and yes, scary at the same time. chickens dont see at night, period. the light will cause an attraction to your coop by all the flying insects in the sky. may cause more problems like flying cockroaches and the like.

since you birds are over the 3 month mark, i recommend "Adams flea and tick spray for dogs and cats.

it comes in a blue hand spray bottle. you can spray the ground and any wood surfaces with this. let your birds out for a day of grazing the grass in a chicken tractor or fenced yard while spraying.
let the spray dry on the surfaces before letting the birds back in the coop.

you can also spray this in place of dusting your birds. just one spray under each wing , behind the neck, on the back next to the tail and directly on the vent area. this will kill any blue ticks or feather mites on the bird and in the coop. also smells great! not the chemical run you off smell.

its a cheap bandaid for a major infestation.

this could be a seasonal problem or a freak incodent, but in any case try this.

good luck

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