Arizona Chickens

You didn't let me put on my mitt! I was in the backyard playing with betty's babies when i heard this noise pull up(that would be your truck). I peeked over the wall and ran out front and you were gone.......but what a lovely present you left! thank you! if i had known you were coming i would have left you some cartons out front. did you know a duck egg has 773 mg of cholesterol in it????????
that's why they are so yummy for baking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mahalo - Lovely chicks - and more to come I see from the auctions
I am envious!

RE DUCKS - Ok, really, pastrymama, Bob, et al: I DON'T NEED ANOTHER POTENTIAL OBSESSION! I am now walking around one of our big parks in central Tucson that has ducks thinking, "Oh, they are so sweet, and I read that their eggs are delicious! They wouldn't be too much work...."
LOL, I don't care what they are, pretty attached to them already ... it IS nice to know what they are though! I was only planning on keeping one because my pen is not that large (I was thinking just 4 or 5 full size and 1 bantam in that coop), although their run is nice size. Hmmm, decisions decisions!!! Don't think I want one in with my seramas, unless the eggs are so different, I know who is laying them, since I will have a serama roo (who will be a house chicken at night LOL!).
This thread moves along.

Wow... mahalo... what a comparison ... the EE to your GIANT!
Cute Cuckoos.

Just got back from the show at the High School.

My son won! He is Mr. Shadow 2011! (Shadow Mountain High School)

It was a fundraiser for the March of Dimes.

Kind of a talent show, "Man Pageant"... my wife walked with him in the "formal wear" competition.

Fun night.
A house roo!? You have chicken-itis in a big way!
I have to say, however, that your are not the only person I know with a house chicken! Last fall the neighbor down the street was bringing in FIVE roos every night:
The seramas sound great, go for it!
I don't rememer who (it was so many pages ago!) was concidering hatching an emu egg, but I went to the feed store today and if you do/did decide to hatch...

this is what you will have at 2 weeks old.


Cute, but not very chicken like. It is already a foot tall!
I do. She is a good layer and she is gentle. She is almost 2 years old. I am going to have to reduce our numbers. I went to the feed store to get feed today and mentioned that two of our bantam chicks died, and we are short on bantams. We replaced them with standard chicks, but they GAVE me two more buff brahma bantams for free! I just couldn't resist. Now we have 8 chicks, but my husband still thinks we have 6. He is sick right now. If he goes out to the garage and notices, I will just pretend he's had too much Nyquil and is seeing double.

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