Arizona Chickens

NoSkiveez Cuckoo grandchicks!! 1 of Mahonri's EE chicks & 1 of my JG chicks hatched on same day!! less than 2 weeks old!!
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What on God's green earth are THESE?!?! They are UUUUUGLY!


TB - yes, I ordered the pink cartons. 125 for $37. I didn't get a chance to get the Feed Barn - pink is cuter than plain pulp anyway, and I"m hoping that as the color will stand out more, people will realize it's not just another egg carton and throw it away. Maybe some of them will actually come back home now.

I took some homemade strawberry jam and a dozen eggs over to the neighbors a while back and today the jam jar came home. Kizzie can't be more than 12 and she said she REALLY liked it so I asked if she wanted more - I hardly had time to finish the question before she emphatically said YES! So cute. Then she asked if I sell eggs - I said yes and she said she wanted to buy some. I'm SOOO glad they are obviously ok with the chickens, because they are the closest ones to the coop. Such a relief.
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Cluckin, Those are chicken food!

Actually, they are grubs, but I don't know the species offhand. I have them in the garden and I pitch them out to the chickens when I find them. They love 'em.
Any clue what kind? Or what they would eventually become?

ETA: I just found a pic online and the website says June bugs. That's not too bad. I was nervous they'd eventually turn into tomato horn worms or something. Those DESTROYED my plants 2 years ago... then I got chickens and they did the destroying last year...
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The grubs look like the kind we used for fishing when I was younger.They are the locusts that "scream"all day in the trees in the summer.
Some grubs can be the june bugs to, not sure on that one.
They do mess up grass yards if you have too many.
Well, after posting my "Mille Fleurs" on the D'Uccle page, found out they are Buff Brahma Bantams ... good thing I'm going to a breeder for my Seramas or heaven only knows what I would get! I was really wondering because they looked like pea combs which would not be Mille Fleur, but I couldn't find a pea comb one that looked like mine until now that I know what they are I can - LOL!. Not that either actually have a comb formation yet, just the empty space where it will be.
I do have a runt Buff Brahma ... was Gidget, but since she is so tiny we changed her name to Bessie after my teeny chihuahua. Anyway here are their pictures
They are 5 weeks old now and little Bessie has barely grown at all, but is feathering out nicely.

Laree -
who says scrambled eggs aren't good !

Mahonri - Yep, I have seen the Eggmaker and scratch at the WalFar* here, too (only went in because it is the ONLY place to carry my hard contact lens solution!). Odd little livestock section towards the garden center.

Cluckin' - I agree, June beetle grubs! My ladies LOVE them, and the beetles, too. When the little gold beetles come out, I even "harvest" them for the ladies at dusk with a light on a sheet (we had a big population two summers ago). I put them in a yogurt container, then in the fridge until the next day. I let them warm up just a little, let the chickens at them, and it is a chicken frenzy!

nurseshelly - Who cares what they are, they are beauties!

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