Arizona Chickens

2 more out, one egg rocking and one pipped.

Brooder ready except for rigging the heat lamp.
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Cool!!! How exciting

Aren't your ready today too? Or tomorrow?

They go into lockdown tomorrow, then hatch Sat ... we should have planned better so we could hatch the same day - LOL!
LOL, I already have two more batches in the wine cooler incubator - total of 61 eggs
The first 14 should hatch on Saturday (Mahonri eggs). Then the next one is due to hatch May 25th (35 Serama eggs), then the next is due to hatch May 27th (13 more Serama eggs from a different breeder). Friday I'll probably order more ... I think I need a 12 step group for hatching
my sister in law wants us to go to their party the funny part they want us to make
the food so before counting with us they invite all these people and we have
to make the food it takes alot of work to make food for alot of people
so while they chill in the pool me and my mom and dad are going to make
the food

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