Arizona Chickens

Gallo Congrats on finding good homes for your chicks. I am getting ready to try to do the same with some of ours. How did you find homes for your chicks? I saw your post here, but did you also post on CL? My garden got seriously trimmed back by the chicks, but at least they had fun doing it. They LOVE purslane, unfortunately they did not stop eating after it was gone. So I won't get any verdolagas for a while, and I'll be replanting cucumbers and lima beans. Some squash are still in the "possible recovery" phase from broken stems and leaves.

I need to return your brooder lights, too. Thanks again for the loan.
i need to rehome some turkeys they are royal palm
also have auburn turkeys and mottled chocolate turkeys
if anyone is interested in any please send me a pm
they are a year old all of them are healthy turkeys
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My DW put the word out at work that we had free chickens and they went fast. I was concerned that they went to good homes and each and every one did or will. It will be a relief when the last ones go. I never did post them on CL.

I know what you mean about the cuteness of chicks in the garden. I couldn't bear to chase them out it was so idyllic. They're so tiny compared to most of the vegetation that they really had no visible impact--except the pepper plants and some other things. No canteloupe from the garden anytime soon now; I suspect they closely resemble your squash plants. I planted the purslane around the outer edges of my other gardening plots and the chickens have eaten most of it! Oh, do they ever love that stuff! I'm going to actively cultivate it in the front yard now and try to get it established all around like it was when I moved in here and eradicated it.

I'm glad you could use the lights; they would have been stashed away in the garage unused if you hadn't needed them. Are you sure you don't want them for another batch of chicks right away?
If you bring them by soon I can give you some French round zucchini, scallopini, spaghetti and some other unknown variety of squash. They're coming in like crazy now.
Hi Everyone,

For those of you with a/c inside your coop, do your chickens know to go there to be cool? Mine currently hang out under the coop. We have a mister for the run. But I had my BO get heat stroke this past weekend, so obviously, need to do more.

Any other tips on keeping them cool?

What we have now: Mister around the run. Tree to the south of the coop. Shade cloth over the top and on the west side.

Tried the frozen bottle thing, huge 3 gallon jug, was completely thawed in a couple hours. I'm not home during the day to change these out as they thaw.

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I can do that. I can do that quickly and cheaply. I can do that tonight. Probably 4X6 though. Easier to get the lumber in the car. I have the wire already.
Oh, can they sleep in there too?

Yeah, I made mine in a single day. I made a rectangular frame with 2"X3" lumber, then bent two wire concrete mesh panels over it (in the concrete section of Home Depot), framed out the front door and put wire over the whole thing. It has casters on the back end to wheel it around the yard. It was actually the day brooder for my first chicks 18 months ago. I re-habbed it recently right before the new chicks hatched and put on a new roof and roosts inside and covered it all in hardware cloth. They used the roosts during the day and slept in the tractor at night, but slept in a kitty litter box with a lid on it and pine shavings in the bottom.

Here's a pic of it after remodeling and from the inside last year:

LareePQG, I remember that cake! Didn't you make it with pastrymama?


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