Arizona Chickens

If you want some Aloha eggies, I have a surplus right now, LOL. My 'bators are all full! I'm around 67th Ave. and the I-10. Just tossing that out there . . . .


Your killin' me here! Need to convert wine cooler! Michele, help!

Haha do you want to come and see mine?
Ha, ha, no, I don't think I'll add any more chickens right now, but I will miss their sweet peeping and cheeping! We are having a hard time choosing the keepers, and have already almost doubled our limit! If I could only double our land...

Squash sounds great! The chicks ate or destroyed any that were developing in my garden. I'll send you an email to work out a time. Cara wants to see your coop and garden, too.
I am! But I have to wait until plate tectonics bring us closer together... Folks, I have dellies and they are awsome! I can highly recommend. I have one that insists in being picked up everytime I go in the run. Actually the way she looks at me when I do it sais more something like: "I don't REALLY like being picket up but I know how much you humans like to be all cuddly so I'll let you to make you feel better...."
chickens are like the US budget... I am not even trying to put a limit on my flock. It would be an endless debate between myself and I
Your killin' me here! Need to convert wine cooler! Michele, help!

Haha do you want to come and see mine?

Thanks for showing me! Now I have everything I need except the temp/humidity gauge.
I have to begin to find homes for some of my chicks
They came from a small farm, not a hatchery, whose flocks are healthy, happy, and can free range as desired.
They are all 7-weeks old, and I have raised them since they were 4 days old. Hate to see them go. They have all been vaccinated for Mareks, and my adult flock of four hens appears to be disease free.

Is anyone interested in raising:

BBS Olive Eggers? I have some lovely, LARGE, blue and black pullets and cockerels from FBCM x BBS Ameraucana. I'd be able to put together a trio or a couple of Blue/Black pairs at least. Most have feathered legs (outside only a la FBCM), they are almost as large as the FBCM, but heavier bodied and with an Am head, cheeks, beards. They are healthy, and friendly. There are a couple of very handsome little roos, I hate to eat them, but if we can't find them homes...

Welsummers? I'll have a trio or one to two pairs of wellies. Also handsome and friendly. These displayed the eye-stripe sexing and I was able to tell pullets from roos from the day I got them at 4 days old. I tracked them until I was sure, the male combs showed a difference early on, and the timing of tail and back feathering also followed by sex.

I'll also have some BBS Ameraucanas. Also lovely and very sweet, another very handsome roo, but I'm not sure how many or what colors/sex yet.

If anyone is interested in any of the above, or an assorted roo or three or five (including a red splash Wyansummer/Wellandote), let me know.

Edited for clarification and vaccination info.
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I'm getting more eggs again. But my chickens won't use the nipple waterer. I've shown them daily and they just ignore it inless it's unbalanced and dripping. Can't leave it like that or I'll have more flies.

Oh, and I got a 74 gram egg today. My usual is 50 grams. Nobodys limping, I wonder who SuperChicken is?
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chickens are like the US budget... I am not even trying to put a limit on my flock. It would be an endless debate between myself and I

Wish we had the space and didn't have the No Roosters limit

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