Arizona Chickens

Sorry to hear about your hen
My cuckoo marans is having the hardest time with the heat. She pants until way after dark. Poor girl. I have been spraying her down every hour in the afternoon and evening. It at least keeps her comfy until she dries and the ground dries. Hope I don't lose her.

My Black Copper Marans is having the hardest time of all the hens here - she pants constantly. I wonder if the Marans are just not as heat tolerant.

I have not lost any hens yet this yea, but my coop and run are all in the shade and I have an open coop, so all the nestboxes are well ventilated. I do not use misters, but completely wet an area down each morning under the pine trees and the hens all lay down there in the middle of the day, cooling their tummies. So far, so good, but they certainly are hot.
as for the ducks and baby pool. I had one for our one duck and some how some one of my silkie serama roosters and cochin bantie got in and couldn't get out and drowned. The water wasn't even deep. It was awful. So just make sure the chickens cant get into it or if they do they can get out.
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I need to sell some birds and thought I would give BYCers first pic.

I have 3 PQ salmon fervolle pullets at point of lay that are $15 each or make offer
I have a few couturnix quail, both jumbo browns and A&M's the adults are $5 each and babies are $3 each.
I also have 3 button quail that just hatched that need to go how about $3 each.
I might have more chickens to sell here soon such as some bantam black orps that are laying, some buff brahmas, maybe some giant cochin chicks that are almost completely feathered.

Or just make me an offer.
Please let me know ASAP

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Totally off topic, but since there are so many of you in the Phoenix area, I thought I would check here first. Does anyone know of a contractor that they highly recommend that can do some work on a house in Glendale? I need someone that I can trust to do the work they say they will, since I am in Tucson and won't be able to travel up there to supervise. Please PM me if you know of anyone.
Hi Turkey Breeder - Trying to brave the heat. Hope you are doing well. Let me know when your mom makes some of those chicken enchiladas and you're also going to visit your brother - maybe I'll be able to buy some from you.
I kept 18 eggs and will pass on the rest to Laree in the morning, since they were destined for her anyway.

I am setting 11 marans and 7 ameraucanas in the morning.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

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